I realize that this is a WIP but I have to say something bothers me about the symmetry of this:

For laughs and giggles, have you considered flipping the black grills?
My train of thought being that the center part of the hull should be more standard K't'inga style with the outward red triangles splayed out larger on the port and starboard sides of the center lines of the hull. The patterns look too small and squished together as they currently are. They are GLORIOUS and need to be made larger and take up more room.
Now, having written this, I want to make it very clear that I LOVE the direction you are going in with these retextures.
http://starfleetcommand3.filefront.com/file/Fasa_to_StarFleet_Command_Mod;25588BTW: Having gathered a previous collection of FASA models, I do not recall Atrahasis making a D-9 model. If he had one back then I would have put it in that collection.