Topic: =/\= who are the last people you would want making space exploration policy?  (Read 2318 times)

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Offline stoneyface

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and guess what? they are. i am talking about a newly released pdf outlining space exploration guidelines called "national security space strategy" and it has been released by the pentagon. sigh... personally i am disappointed and i hope this doesn't turn into some form of regulatory organization with control over commercial space travel. if they want to impose rules on government run space travel, i can see why they would, i am still worried this sends the wrong message. i also believe it will set the exploration of space backwards even further instead of forward.... we should already be on mars!!!


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Offline Bonk

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I dunno... it could be a funding backdoor... see NASA has been losing funding, while it seems the military still gets lots. We've subdued what we can with traditional military endeavors, time for them to have a bigger job?  Just exploring the idea. There seems to be more Aircraft Carriers than Space Shuttles. (?) We only need so many Aircraft Carriers, and it is much easier to get the public excited about terrorists and national security than about space exploration.

Though I'm sure it will all end with more sateliites carrying more porn channels.  ::)   ;) (still ashamed about the Anik series...)

Offline Kreeargh

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To tell you the truth im not suprised at all. If a transporter or replicator was created by the public the Gov would jump all over it just for security reasons alone and black list it i bet. Say nothing for its use in a space craft hell thats something the public might controll they sure the hell dont want that.  Mars is another place to go public travel there will Not happen in my sons life time at min{ he is 4} unless this planet is near destruction.  Control is Goverments goal dont matter the party that rules. If not the US then the UN .

Edit with a joke or maybe not :-X ? Its the 2010, 2012 \ they made the movie as a cover up to tell the gov its time to send all nasa funds to china for the arks for the lucky few.  :laugh:
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 08:18:31 pm by Kreeargh »
Time for life!

Offline Tus-XC

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Umm... thats for the military and its nothing new there mate - space has been part of our national security for something like 60 odd years.  Hell look up some of the older NSS and you'll find something in there about it as well ;).

BTW, I don't need to point out that all of this space stuff wouldn't have been possible w/o the military looking into it.  Our intial foray's into space were on the top of converted ICBMs.  Hell, need i point out GPS is a military operated system?  Or the neccesity of satcom w/o m hops?  Military neccesity has drove much of space advancement, I think we have done one hell of a good job thus far, considering that the civilian sector has yet to be able to do any on such scale by itself.

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Offline knightstorm

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Considering how in vogue it is to slash the budget for new systems these days, I don't see anything changing as far as the space program is concerned.

Offline Bonk

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So true Tus... :

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