BACKGROUND:In module R12, ADB decided to flesh out the Battle Frigates. For the Romulans, this means that they now have a battle frigate of their own based on the SeaHawk: the JayHawk.
.. however..
While looking at the work to do, I've noticed that I didn't HAVE a SeaHawk model. I did however have a SkyHawk from Thu11s. Additionally, while kitbashing the JayHawk, I noticed there were some missing mount-points.
- I created model entry for the Romulan SeaHawk: the RFF is a copy of Thu11s' RDD. It's slightly smaller than the SkyHawk, the size controlled via model.siz
- I updated the SeaHawk's mountpoint to match OP's RDE UI
- I updated the SkyHawk's mountpoint to match OP's RDE UI
- I changed the SkyHawk's eagle paint to Teal, to mark a difference
Updated Thu11s SeaHawk (FF):
Updated Thu11s SkyHawk (DD) (new Eagle texture):
Romulan JayHawk Battle FrigateThe JayHawk (apparently called the Romulan F6 by the Klingons) is essentially a heftier SeaHawk. It's been described to have a substructure with a Snipe's warp.
- take a SeaHawk
- add a 4-warp box engine
- add a APR, a battery, 2 CHull (quarters?)
- add a PLaF FP and a ph-3 RX