Topic: JOTD: teacher learns about morals  (Read 1199 times)

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Offline Sirgod

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JOTD: teacher learns about morals
« on: February 11, 2011, 02:57:08 pm »
Teacher learns about Morals.

One day in class, the teacher had given an assignment, for all the kids to go home, and have their parents tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.

The next day, the kids came in, and relayed their stories, and the morals from a bird in the hand, to Give a hoot don't pollute.

Finally, she came to Jennie, the last girl in her class. She asked her, did she have a story, and Jennie said yas.

"My Dad told me this one about my mom, who was a Marine Corp fighter Pilot in Iraq."

She paused "She was shot down over enemy territory about two years ago, and all she had on her was  a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and her K-bar."

"she quickly had drank the Flask of whiskey on the way down, since such things where illegal in the country, and when she landed, she was immediatly surrounded by 20 Iraqi attackers."

"she killed the first 15 with her pistol, which was then out of ammo, Four more with the K-bar, but then the blade broke. The last one she killed with her bare hands."

At this point the teacher slightly worried asked her "But what about the moral of the story?"

Jennie smiled with glee "Don't mess with Mommy when she is drunk."

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Capt. Mike

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Re: JOTD: teacher learns about morals
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 10:04:11 pm »
   :rofl:   :rwoot: 

I've heard that before, but it's still funny.

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33

"It doesn't, and you can't, I won't, and it don't
it hasn't, it isn't, it even ain't, and it shouldn't
it couldn't"
FZ, 1974

My chops were not as fast...[but] I just leaned more on what was in my mind than what was in my chops.  I learned a long time ago that one note can go a long way if it's the right one, and it will probably whip the guy with twenty notes.
 --Les Paul