Topic: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison  (Read 3244 times)

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=/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« on: January 27, 2011, 05:52:07 pm »
well this first story gets me excited! a new volkswagen prototye that uses a hybrid electric/super efficient diesel motor gets amazing milage. and it even looks cool read here:

for as excited as i get from the first story, i get equally as upset over this second one... seems that it has been ruled that d&d in prison cannot be allowed anymore because it promotes "gang-like activity". bear in mind this comes from faux (fox)news so...

read here:
the reason this frustrates me so much is that i have played d&d forever (since i was 10). that equates to 27 years. and i think it encourages good behavior not bad. it helps people get out aggressions and hostilities in a fantasy setting to improve their daily mental attitude. the claim it causes gang-like behavior is nonsense. i could argue line dancing does to since you have to do things simultaneously as a group (i really do hate line dancing)! i call bullsh*t on this!
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 07:02:57 pm »

read here:
the reason this frustrates me so much is that i have played d&d forever (since i was 10). that equates to 27 years. and i think it encourages good behavior not bad. it helps people get out aggressions and hostilities in a fantasy setting to improve their daily mental attitude. the claim it causes gang-like behavior is nonsense. i could argue line dancing does to since you have to do things simultaneously as a group (i really do hate line dancing)! i call bullsh*t on this!

D&D is evil!  Don't you know what type of body count its left.
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Re: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 08:07:48 pm »
D&D has been "evil" since 60 minutes did their hack piece on it in the 80's and Mazes & Monsters made Tom Hanks a star....

So check your hatred of Fox News at the door as they have very little to do with the negative publicity regarding D&D.

The VW sounds cool as hell, if I ever end up in one, I hope I don't have a run in with a semi.... or a bicycle for that matter....
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Re: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 08:10:44 pm »
Good for Vw to bad its just another damn concept that will never be real. Gm said the same thing about the Volt , its just crap like the rest  :(

Now dnd in prison ??? DND is ok the stupid is talking there but err   >:( what the hell are we payin for internet use for inmates to begin with. That should be the issue.  I guess its become a resort for the homeless? WTF
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Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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Re: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 08:15:49 pm »
Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

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Offline Bonk

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Re: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 04:09:59 pm »
ROFL... Gangsta D&D. Too much. That is hilarious. Someone should make a parody video.

I mean come on.  ::)

Offline Tulwar

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Re: =/\= 313mpg volkswagen and too bad for d&d in prison
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2011, 02:39:17 am »
The crux of the government's argument is that D&D allows a criminal to form a power structure among other criminals.  The dungeon master is the leader, and the rest of the players are followers.  I imagine what they fear most is that the game allows prisoners to make elaborate plots, complete with code names and maps.
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