Yeah, I like the new version more 
I do as well.
I have some concerns about the scale of the parts being used.
Are the Ulysses Warp engines really that huge in comparison to the Challenger class (USS Churchill) secondary hulls?
I absolutely LOVE the idea of using the Excelsior saucer. A+ idea there Mackie.
I had a thought about the Abbe torpedo pod, maybe it could be converted into a through deck hangar to augment the Challenger class hangars?
We need an equally cool Klingon, Romulan or other non-Federation monster ship to balance the coolness scale here too Mackie.
Well done!
the only things on the ship that arent to scale are the pylons (=somewhat customized), I used the scale of the parts that FOAS had provided :S
And no they arent churchill hulls, theyre a new jersey hulls which are about the same size and shape as those of a constitution class refit, maybe a little wider and longer.
Only those pointy things in the middle of the dishes I used are from the churchill
I suppose I could easily whip up a through deck carrier version of the pod, too. which also reminds me, i can do a small carrier ship with just the pod..... and yall know how much i love flying bridges and torpedo pods

I have the foas klinks available to me when i want em, as soon as i get back home to my place to my computer i'll start trying to bash something out of em

I like them all
Tos and
JJ version please they will fill all era refits . 
For a TOS version I dont have the rights parts for yet and whats a JJ version?
with a little tinkering i could do one more refit of it in the dominion war style, with phaser strips instead of tits and all

I love how bad-ass those rollbars look from the sides. And what you've done with the engines on the excelcior version along with the deflectors.
Are you by chance planning the cour de lion as well?
thanks, that kinda was the point

Ive tried making the cour de lion a number of times but i never could get it right but i guessi could try again since ive never tried it with these parts and its been a few years since the last attempt!