While everyone has their own personal views, it's D.Net's view to never tell anyone to remove or otherwise disable any antivirus or antispam applications.
Nah, don't disable... open window... lift computer... heave... listen... satisfying thud!

And yes, I am a bit extreme on this, but my personal opinion stands. The major AV houses and MS have lost it... some time ago. Round about 1997-98? (on the desktop... MS has not strayed far from NT on the server - but I have not seen the 2008 product yet - , no idea how they borked their desktop OSes so bad.)
I could write a book on what is wrong with them, perhaps I should? Though I would rather be Atilla the Hun of my own platform. The QA would be so airtight on an OS developed under my supervision it would run until the end of time and would be pointless to replace as the ultimate in man-machine interface.
Steve Jobs would have nuttin on me.

(thanks for covering my butt though...

P.S. check your scheduled tasks... dig deep... ask yourself... should all these things be scheduled tasks? Why so many band-aids? Why not just do it right in the first place instead of dealing with it later... this release schedule approach to development has compounded idiocy and will continue to do so until the product is completely useless.
P.S. just to show no bias... as I know people will think I'm one of those blow-hard "evangelists"... RedHat (I hate to even post the name publicly) suffers almost exactly the same problems as MS, started right about the same time too.
Marketing should not determine engineering. For a good idea on how to do it right.. (pretty darn close anyway) take a look at QNX. or Be actually showed incredble promise, not sure what/who killed them... QNX lives on though - where engineering determines the market, not the reverse.
OK, I'm back to work now. Enough rambling.
Sorry.edit: maybe not.... further... an OS and should
manage the processor and memory for the use of
applications, not consume it.
...and don't get me started on object-oriented code... people are only now beginning to see what I saw all along. Actually, now that I think about it...
the proliferation of the oo coding meme corresponds quite well with the degradation of the commercial platforms. I think that observation is significant.
lol, some more... I'm finding this examination interesting... I think
it all started with that first little garbage can icon from Apple... I remember seeing the first Mac guis and thinking - WTF? Little pictures? What are we to become illiterate? I delete something but it is not gone? But I asked for it to be deleted! Now I have to ask twice? If Apple had not gone down that road - in turn driving the direction of MS's development paths - I suspect MS would still be producing simple, tight and efficient operating systems. DOS5 was the peak for MS. After that little white garbage can (and all the ideas behind it) appeared, it all changed. For the worse.
The Apple IIs made sense to me. The first Macs did not. The first one I was exposed to I actually thought was some kind of joke. None of it made sense... still doesn't really. The easier they tried to make it for household users the less useful it became for any genuine computing applications. This pattern continues... each version of windows takes it a step further. (the 7 ads with the toddlers) The Mac one button mouse...
there are certain human interface paradigms that evolved according to function for efficiency and intuitiveness. A better mousetrap? No... just no.
I don't understand toddlers all that well (uh, actually I do much better than most), but an operating system designed for them is no improvement as far as I am concerned. In fact, were I a father, I'd probably start my toddler at the command line... They'd be a social outcast, but a smart one. The Vic20 was perfect for a learning seven year old... a multi-core 3d gui beast - not so much.