Patching to 2552 now....
Patch installed
Screen resolution reset
intro movie disabled.
It seems the best graphics are the software at 800 x something. The graphics look worse at higher resolutions....
Does anyone remember how to get the new music. I think Chris Jones sent that to me. I'll have to look. I think I have a CD from him
the 800x600 is standard, I used to use 1024x768 and it was fine as it reduced the side screens enough to still be usable and gave a good veiw of the playing field. There is a button that would completely remove them but then you can not do any of the functions you need or will want to monitor. Basically all the side panels stay the same size so with increased resolution they just keep getting smaller.
The music file is a zipped file with ZERO compression if you want to change a sound, make a backup copy before you play with it. Just open the zip and play them until you find the one you want and then you can switch that file with one for the same name and resave it. Most mods have new files they used and you can just swap the zip if you like
Use EZini to turn on Volly Info set resolution and increase the brightness of the game