Topic: =/\= name one constant in science. periodic table! rrrrrchh guess again.  (Read 1640 times)

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turns out that 11 of the elements are constantly changing! also includes "intervals"

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Re: =/\= name one constant in science. periodic table! rrrrrchh guess again.
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 03:34:03 pm »
I had always expected this to happen. Not surprised in the least. Isotopic abundances are determined empirically and we have not exactly been exposed to the entire universe yet. I expect several revisions, though further and further apart in time.

And Sean Majumder is awesome. I loved his sweaty interviewer character Raj Binder on This Hour Has 22 Minutes. :thumbsup: There is something naturally funny about an East Indian with a Newf accent.  ;D