Topic: modding ships in op..  (Read 3829 times)

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Offline ShadowDiver

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modding ships in op..
« on: December 07, 2010, 06:06:34 am »
Hi Guys..

ok...I'm just starting to play around in the OP shiplist....and I would like to know....
1. when modding a ship say (hydran) I remove a hellbore @ 10.445 (dam) and replace it with a fusion @ 2.8 (dam) and then save, when I go back into the game my hull is damaged? why...

2. what are the 4 main files used for....
2a. Assets/specs/shiplist.. is where I'm makeing the changes at.
2b. MeteAssets/shiplist..?
2c. opplus/shiplist..?
2d. opplus/backup/shiplist..?

3. which folders are used for Online games?

4. which folders are used for single player AI games?

5. where is the rule/instruction book on how to mod?

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: modding ships in op..
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 11:51:27 pm »
Hi Shadow,

It's been a while, but I think the actual shiplist used in he game (at least with GSA/GR and single player) is in OPPLUS/shiplist/. If you haven't already, you should definitely give EagleEye's ShipEdit a shot:

There are separate versions for SFC1/SFC2/OP. It is the easiest way to edit the shiplsit, and you can always revert to OP+ 4.0 if anything strange happens. The PDF included is very useful and explains some of the more cryptic aspects of ships that you can edit. I think in your Hydran example, using ShipEdit would make the hellbore/fusion weapon switch clean and easy.

Good luck and let me know how it goes! BTW, just saw your post on the single player thread and I'll be hopefully playing tomorrow on GR, see you then.

Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: modding ships in op..
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 12:58:46 am »
I believe it has to do with the BPV value of the ship

in simple terms:
a Hellbore is a 10
a fusion a 4

so unless you modify the BPV setting down 6 when you start the game the computer adds up the ratings and compares it to the set BPV and notices you are short so it adds the damage textures.

ShipEdit adjusts the BPV as you modify a ship so that this is not a issue
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Offline FireSoul

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Re: modding ships in op..
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2010, 11:32:01 pm »
I believe it has to do with the BPV value of the ship

in simple terms:
a Hellbore is a 10
a fusion a 4

so unless you modify the BPV setting down 6 when you start the game the computer adds up the ratings and compares it to the set BPV and notices you are short so it adds the damage textures.

ShipEdit adjusts the BPV as you modify a ship so that this is not a issue

This is thankfully true. I've had to reverse engineer and recreate much of what ShipEdit does for weapons BPVs because of my pirate generation from templates.

shipedit is the way to go.

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