Hi Guys..
ok...I'm just starting to play around in the OP shiplist....and I would like to know....
1. when modding a ship say (hydran) I remove a hellbore @ 10.445 (dam) and replace it with a fusion @ 2.8 (dam) and then save, when I go back into the game my hull is damaged? why...
2. what are the 4 main files used for....
2a. Assets/specs/shiplist.. is where I'm makeing the changes at.
2b. MeteAssets/shiplist..?
2c. opplus/shiplist..?
2d. opplus/backup/shiplist..?
3. which folders are used for Online games?
4. which folders are used for single player AI games?
5. where is the rule/instruction book on how to mod?