I had succesfully avoided MMO's and Dwarf Fortress - but I accidentally touched Minecrack!!!!
I now have five basic desires:
Sex, Food, Drink, Drugs, and Minecraft!!!!!!!
MINEcraft MiNECRafT MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!Try out the currently free trial at:
http://www.minecraft.net/Trust me - you will thank/curse me later!!!
Seriously - this is one cool developer!
Basically he is dedicating his life to this game - so once you buy it for like $9 Bux you have a LIFETIME subscription to all updates / new game modes/ multiplayer / etc...
Once he has enough money to live off the interest (including running the authentcator servers) he will spend the rest of his days solely perfecting this already addicting game!
Penny-arcade has a great comic on it - so funny, so true:
http://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/1010842689_DYj3P-L.jpgThey say the most common thing a new player says is - F*CK!! - it's 5a.m.!?!?? - Shhh***t!!!!
(this happened to me too)
Anyways free trial because his servers are overloaded with purchases right now - well deservedly.
Also note - the sound purposely doesn't work on the free one presently - (although you can get a fix for that) - and I still love this game!!!
Check out the numerous creations showcased on you tube like "The Slide" or "Tree Fortress" - this game is AWESOMEEEEE!!!!!!!
(and no I don't have any interest in this except supporting an awesome game and an awesome developer philosophy)