Sorry to be so stubborn...but why? why should I have to do that..
like I said in the front....why make it difficult, upload this, download that..etc.etc.etc.
It's getting to a point where I just don't want to bother anymore...I like easy...this site is easy....ergo... I like this site! 
Most forums cannot afford or do not have the space to keep a copy of your avatar on the website. Keep in mind pictures use a ton of space compared to text so websites will alleviate this need by allowing you to upload it to a site than can afford the image hosting space so you can then specify it as a hotlink that the forum can then pull from when constructing the pages you see.
Yea to most it is complicated to do all this and that to get stuff done on the web after you take some time to learn about all the basic ways the web works, its pretty simple, so don't get frustrated with tech and the web, they're your friends, and if you just ease your way in there then you will do just fine in learning the web
it's just like these stupid security things.. where you have to type these letters that are all screwy and blurry or poke-a-dotted like green on a blue background...what's the point...if you can't read it, just click on the recording to here the letters....what type of security is that?
who thought of that anyway and why? 
Its for bots, bots do image analysis to register on sites and forums for the purpose of spamming, its not a perfect wall but it is designed to prevent most non-seriously sophisticated bot programs from being able to register on a site and spam a forum with various illegal advertisments