Topic: Constellation Class...  (Read 5136 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Constellation Class...
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:20:53 am »
Can anyone tell me the function of those things on the bottom of the ship's main hull?  I never knew what any of them were.
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Offline Starfox1701

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2011, 06:09:59 am »
They where never give cannin function but the guys who made the model intended to be verious different sensor systems because she was an exploration cruiser.

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2011, 10:10:00 am »
And they would need some sort of housing considering most of her interior was shuttlebays.  Interesting.
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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 10:56:37 pm »
Can anyone tell me the function of those things on the bottom of the ship's main hull?  I never knew what any of them were.
Funny how one knows what one is takling about ? HUH what ? pics words just are a blah .  "The function of those things on the bottom of the ship's main hull?  I never knew what any of them were" That could mean any parts??

I myself want to know what function a grid grill would do in space but er .
The lower saucer ? If your talking about the 3 = looking parts one on bottom of the hull  1 on each side of hull. Those are told to be sensors. If its the circle blocks at bottom hull= antimatter dump ports same as Galaxy class theme. Google will tell more stories  :-\
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 08:25:43 pm by Kreeargh »
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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2011, 01:20:19 am »
The greebles? I say they are sensor systems. I subscribe to the idea that the constellation is a Strike Carrier, and carriers have limited SwAC capabilities :).
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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2011, 05:14:18 pm »
In the mindset of SFC I thought the Constellation class would have fit as a Galactic Survey Cruiser. It fits the pure scientific vibes from NextGen, it's not a warship (so it's ok for TNG and Picard), and it can be pressed into auxiliary carrier service like the GSC's were because of the voluminous shuttle bays. And it's likely as GSCs, they did not suffer from outdated weaponry like the rest of the SFC/SFB fleet when X-ships and newer were being introduced, because it wasn't as important.

As for the greebles, I think it was to show that the Constellation class was a clunker compared to the sleeker Galaxy class. No other starship in the TMP lineup has as much greebling as the Constellation does, spread across the hull. Not even the Miranda-derived Soyuz has as much greeble spread as the Constellation.

And actually the Soyuz better deserves the question of "What ARE those greebles?", since we know so little about it. Border patrol ship? EWAC vessel? Heavy Assault-phaser armed gunship? What does a Miranda hull and three shuttlebays with a bunch of equipment amount to?

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2011, 09:08:15 pm »
I could see it as a F-GSC too.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 08:15:57 pm »
Thanks for all the input everyone.  Reason I ask is because I'm contemplating building my own Constellation refit.  Sue me, I like taking TMP designs and refitting them.  It's fun.
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Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2011, 02:08:20 am »
WOW! OK, so:

Watched TNG: "The Battle", got to the scene where Data read's Stargazer's final Captain's Log, 9 years prior, with a blurry star-date of 40?17.3 (I'm getting to my point, bear with me), I couldn't make out the ? part - its 2,5 or 8. This is where I went to the wonderful internet to see if i could find a clearer picture than the 46" HDTV showed me, cause based on the star-dates after TNG Season One they used the format 4XYYY.Z, where X=TNG season #, or the year in general of the Star Trek show(s), and that year went up as time went on, one digit per year; then how could the Stargazer's last log's star-date's X factor be one year prior to TNG S01, not 9 years (which should have been star-date 32YYY.Z-ish)??

While I was poking around Google, and since Memory-Alpha hates me (no picture of what I was looking for to begin with), I found this thingie:

("Sensor blisters on the underside of a Constellation-class starship. Added by Scottish Andy" - from Memory Beta (PS Andy: Thanx!))

and this thingie (from Memory Alpha - finally paid off, eh?):

According to Sternbach, the desktop model was further detailed with several anime kits from The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, The Super Dimension Century Orguss, Gundam, and Crusher Joe. The largest of these model kit details were the wings and wing box assemblies of a VF-1 Valkyrie model kit from Macross. The later four-foot Constellation-class shooting model used the equivalent parts from a larger-scale VF-1 Valkyrie kit

which, now that we have a visual and a description of what they really are, we're left with what they would be in Trek, and as answered by others, it was also answered on Memory Beta:

The underside of the Constellation class saucer featured many fairings that marred her otherwise clean lines. These pallets contained special sensor equipment that befitted her role as a deep-space explorer, most of which could be exchanged for mission specific equipment at a starbase, and could be accessed from the deck above.

Ugh... there's more. This thingie, while seemingly pure fanon, gives some description of some of the underside do-dads. I'd avoid the color prints... I don't think that some of those lines line up with what they should be lining up with.

I'm sorry - I'm not yet done...

As for what SFB/SFC class best fits this particular hull form... I'd have to go with the NSR. The SSD just feels most correct based on the time period, ship design, mission objectives and, for it's size, massive shuttle bay. Sure, the canon model shows 4 torpedo tubes, but couldn't two of them really be the two probe launchers on the NSR? The three nacelle thing that the NSR has going on is odd, sure, but just split the C-WARP in half and divide the boxes to R and L-WARP, and assume that each of those really is two, i.e. two R and two L-WARP ... just the boxes don't quite divide up... but you get the idea. The two special sensors could represent the two large underside bulges which we've all determined are, indeed, special sensors. While I do agree that the GSC makes a good candidate for the Constellation Class, SFB drawings and SSDs, and SFC models, depict a more Constitution style hull form. The GSX is right out, as Picard describes the class (well, Stargazer specifically) as "underpowered and overworked". SFB history tells us that the GSC/GSX class are overworked during the Andromedan Campaigns (+1, I guess, for the GSC), the GSX is no where near underpowered.

OK. I'm done. You've already got your info WAY before I poked my head into this, and, I suspect, are already on your way to making whatever you were going to make. I just wanted to contribute since I first saw this post, but didn't have the ammo.

NSR SSD and Counter are in Module R10.


("An end elevation cutaway of a Constellation-class starship. Added by Scottish Andy" - Memory Beta again. Thanx, again, Andy)

P.P.S. The Soyuz Class greebles, according to the internet, are supposed to be sensor modules. Go figure. More to the point of the model, it looks like someone went to the local hobby store, and bought the largest wet navy battleship or destroyer or whatever and adapted the gun turrets for use on this ship. If so, I can't really tell if the gun barrels are still there or removed, but in either event, something gun barrel like pokes out from these "sensor pods", as well as the "sensor dome" that TMP/TOS era vessels all seem to have below the saucer. Thus, I am lead to believe that the pods and the dome would be similar to basic sensors, perhaps mission specific, and the spires are super special sensors, designed to see things better.

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2011, 04:14:23 am »
Great thinking, Mohab!

I'll follow up with a better contribution with that later, its 5am here and I'm tired >.<, i just wanted to at least say that.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2011, 06:01:19 pm »
Thanks for your time in doing all this research.  It'll come in handy when I get around to making my refit.  :-D
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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2011, 01:26:33 am »
IMHO shoot an email to one of the original model designers and ask WTF. It cant hurt right so why not? Peronally I think those bulges on the bottom of the saucer ar tumors  :laugh: :D ;D ;)


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Re: Constellation Class...
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2011, 05:11:39 pm »
if sternbach did it he will probably answer.