Topic: Team Speak  (Read 2523 times)

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Offline ShadowDiver

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Team Speak
« on: November 16, 2010, 05:10:00 pm »
What is the purpose of team speak?

I finally got a hint as to what I need to do to get it to run, and I got to tell you guys.... this is getting to be a real drag... :-[

Download this, modify that, open this port, turn off firewall, uninstall this, reinstall that......this is crazy...and for what?

I have been going to GSA everyday for 7 days now, anywhere from 3 to 9 hours a pop, and the most people I have run into is 6..and out of that only 4 were willing to help me to try to get me up and running...I have sent several PM's to a bunch of really great fellas and even with there superior knowledge I couldn't get it to work..
Leave it to a simple post dated 03-18-2009
(,163385848.msg1122950567.html#msg1122950567) and it all works now!

Now I need to connect to team speak...why?....... what will it do for me?......... what is it for? .................what does it do that this forum and privet messaging can't do?
why was a system created that needs to be downloaded, has passwords, logins and setting client protocols BS just to chat?

please don't get me wrong...I understand that all this was created for a system back in 1998 and it is continuing to get updated all the time, but please give us Noobs a break, if it wasn't for my love of SFB/SFC and a renewed interest in this game, there is no-way I would have continued with this... way to many problems... not enough solutions...
I guess that's why the younger generation is going with PS3's and 360's.....ease of use....

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 01:19:37 am »
Teamspeak is VOIP.  Voice over Internet Protocol.  With a good codex, is as good as being on the phone with the people your flying with.  Saving your fingers for shooting your enemies, instead of trying to talk to them.

My question is, has Dynaverse any interest in upgrading to TeamSpeak 3?  It's running great in Open Beta, and should be getting close to a general release some time soon.
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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 01:12:20 pm »
Teamspeak is VOIP.  Voice over Internet Protocol.  With a good codex, is as good as being on the phone with the people your flying with.  Saving your fingers for shooting your enemies, instead of trying to talk to them.

My question is, has Dynaverse any interest in upgrading to TeamSpeak 3?  It's running great in Open Beta, and should be getting close to a general release some time soon.
TS3 presents a lot of issues over TS2, and given how different it is, TS2 is still recommended, I really havent had much of a chance to use it personally but it isnt something a switch to without running through some corners first. I dont like the new ID system TS3 uses personally.

SHadowdriver, Teamspeak is designed you you can talk to people while your flying, it is far easier to communicate with someone in battles as intense as OP using voice over typing which is why you should if possible use it :)
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 01:48:33 pm »
Also, I remember someone saying that the private team chat doesn't work right on the D2.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2010, 01:54:42 pm »
Also, I remember someone saying that the private team chat doesn't work right on the D2.

It doesn't.  The opposition gets to see it too.  When the opposition is unaware that you have voice communications with your allies using the text chat to spread disinformation has worked for me  :angel:.
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Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2010, 03:31:00 pm »
Oh... So the short of it is, it's a phone for the internet...but with no minutes..
Just like the headset thingy used in Call of Duty MW....right.....never used it, don't play it.
except it is for SFC......gotcha....
So what little doohickey's do I need to talk with it?...more stuff to buy right.. full headset type of stuff..

Offline knightstorm

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2010, 03:48:02 pm »
In the past, I've managed to make due with my computer's built in mic and a pair of headphones.  Granted, I probably sounded like ^&*^ on the other end, but I could still make out what other people were saying, and get across what I had to when I needed to.

Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2010, 03:51:40 pm »
thanks Knight..

Missed you on GSA...I Killed spider real good with a D7W  :)


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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2010, 05:43:53 pm »
Oh... So the short of it is, it's a phone for the internet...but with no minutes..
Just like the headset thingy used in Call of Duty MW....right.....never used it, don't play it.
except it is for SFC......gotcha....
So what little doohickey's do I need to talk with it?...more stuff to buy right.. full headset type of stuff..
If you dont have a mic, its still good to get on teamspeak so you can at least hear what the other person is saying, granted because you cant talk you wont be able to take lead if your winging with someone if they cant hear you but at least you can hear them, and if you do have a mic, its even better having some conversations with some and coordinating through voice over text! :)
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Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: Team Speak
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2010, 05:53:28 pm »
good food for thought..
