Topic: How to GameSpy Arcade 2.0 with OP  (Read 2668 times)

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Offline ShadowDiver

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How to GameSpy Arcade 2.0 with OP
« on: November 13, 2010, 09:21:44 pm » we go.

1. I went into my router via
2. Then I went to port-forwarding/port-triggering.
3. Clicked on add custom service.
4. In Service Name I put (SFCOP1)
5. Service Type is set to (TCP/UDP)
6. Starting Port I set to (2300)
7. Ending Port I set to (2400)
8. Server IP Address I made a static at (
9. I repeated steps 6 and 7 for 6500/6500, 6667/6667 and 47624/47624. naming them OP2,OP3 and OP4 respectively.

I go to GameSpy, login is fine, I can chat, enter rooms everything. when I join a game and they launch, I go to the waiting screen and I'm waiting for the game-name to appear and nothing happens.

If I host, they can't see my games I've been told my WAN filter needs to be unblocked but I don't have a WAN filter.. I have a NAT filter but when I open it I can't even log on to the internet...

So my wireless card has a static IP address, I've opened still will not work....

what am I missing :smackhead:

also... I'm running a DSL phone line to a century link (phone company's) ZyXel modem then a Cat-6 cable to a Netgear wireless router, I have 4 desktops cabled to the Netgear, and 2 laptops running wireless.

Do I need to change the modem's IP's and the Netgears IP's as well as my laptop's?

this is really to hard to do just to play for a few hours, then I need to set everything back to normal after I'm done with the game right..
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 09:33:24 pm by ShadowDiver »


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Re: How to GameSpy Arcade 2.0 with OP
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 01:25:06 pm »
A) Wouldnt recommend wireless, even with everything done, Wireless cards still encrypt the data to the wireless router, so Wireless signals are dicy, especially if your running under a secure wifi (which you should) . Use a LAN if possible not a WLAN.

B) I had the same modem before, put your DSL modem in bridge mode in WAN, with  Encapsulation= RFC 1483(on bridge mode). Multiplexing LLC. Allow PPoE passover through the advanced options(should be a checkbox)
Make your netgear router as the login to your DSL ISP. On the modems main page where it says "Require login to connect to internet (yes/no)", fill in all info given by ISP

Now your router will connect to the internet the modem will now ONLY act as a bridge and WILL NOT in anyway affect traffic sent through it.
Give everything on your network a static IP
forward all ports mentioned in the guides in How to of D2 forum to your STATIC IP
Router should respond to pings on internet port, no firewall on your computer or on router.
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.

Offline ShadowDiver

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Re: How to GameSpy Arcade 2.0 with OP
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 01:32:09 pm »
ok...thanks I'll try that...

but what about when I'm done do I have to switch everything back?


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Re: How to GameSpy Arcade 2.0 with OP
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 04:18:59 pm »
why would you want to switch back from that mode? You need not switch it all back at all, the only thing, depending on how security concerned you are, would be to turn back on the SPI firewall or whichever firewalls are on the router and or computer. Otherwise the rest sets all your computers up with a stable static ip connections that you'd never need to change at all. On the laptops, IF you are going across multiple LANs then you would set the primary IPv4 connection settings to DHCP and in the "Alternate Configuration" tab put in your home networks static IP so when you on your home network it will go back to that static IP (assuming you also turn off DHCP on the router for LAN which you should do, its a waste of resources to keep on really). Any visitors that come by you'd just need to tell them how to enter in a static IP to connect + wireless password and that's it.
Starfleet Headquarters out.

Fleet Commodore, XenoCorp, ISC Fleet.