Topic: The Vulcan Invasion.  (Read 1401 times)

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The Vulcan Invasion.
« on: October 31, 2010, 04:46:35 pm »
Link to full article

NSILMike points us to an amusing bit of news concerning a recent ruling in the Texas Supreme Court, where the court cited Star Trek's Spock (though, it's mostly hidden in a footnote):

    Appropriately weighty principles guide our course. First, we recognize that police power draws from the credo that "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Second, while this maxim rings utilitarian and Dickensian (not to mention Vulcan21), it is cabined by something contrarian and Texan: distrust of intrusive government and a belief that police power is justified only by urgency, not expediency.

The Trekies are taking over Texas.  :smackhead:
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