HAL-CONSeems to have gone over well this year:
http://thechronicleherald.ca/Front/1209492.htmlToo much WoW talk though. I might go over and pay my $30 to get a peek at Denise Crosby (*sproing*).

Actually, I want to go look at that 2010 ship model that guy made too.
I would love to have a Dynaverse table there sometime. Like when we have a product ready... Next Halloween would be a good deadline.
We are an excellent fit for Hal-Con. See, there used to be an SFB tournament there annually... no more. But I bet the same guys would show up for an SFC tourney, on bigscreen displays on high powered rigs with big sound and community models to show off for passers by. I know it will grab attention. The way we play is like no other game... I bet the old UAW mod as it is presented in person kiosk style would certainly draw new players... I can just see the kids and their dads gawking at it on the big screen.
It would be good to have a copy of SFB on the go too, for historical context and depth of presentation. Not a lot of games have this kind of history.
edit: project1 - a kiosk display mission script... endless ai ships regenerate cycling through fleets to display all the ships in battle. Need something like that running unattended out front in addition to the tourney and demo systems. (I wonder is there script access to the camera position?)
- a modeling system setup would be good too. have someone like WZ building an Atolm design in person... a bit like watching paint dry, but people will be interested. - hmmm, no, maybe modeling tutorials... a la FoaS... See, we can attract artists and creative types too.
Oh we have got to get it together man. The opportunity is now.