Topic: =/\= one for the pirates! and new expoplanets around strange binary star system  (Read 1888 times)

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Offline stoneyface

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in a strange story today, a new group of exoplanets has been discovered around a truly strange binary star system. a red dwarf and a white dwarf orbiting each other at a mere distance of approximately the same as the earth and the moon! NN serpentis contains two massive jupiter type and sized planets. article here:

people are learning. a creator of a comic book sells a huge amount of comics after finding out about it being copied into a 4chan discussion and instead of fighting it, decided to discuss it with that particular notorious community. afterwards, his sales skyrocketed... read about it here and scroll down to the graph for the dramatic representation of sales at etsy:
BlackOps agent for XenoCorp...

"Sic gorgiamos allos subjectos nunc" - we gladly feast on those who would subdue us...

DMT = Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.   -Nietzsche was pietzsche-

Offline Bonk

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How old is that undergound comic? It looks really 1983ish familiar.  :huh:

Offline stoneyface

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brand new apparently
BlackOps agent for XenoCorp...

"Sic gorgiamos allos subjectos nunc" - we gladly feast on those who would subdue us...

DMT = Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.   -Nietzsche was pietzsche-

Offline Bonk

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Really? I am sure I have seen it before. Like on a poster for a punk gig stapled to a telephone pole in the 80's - or something like that. I get these weird deja-vus. I'm sure I have seen that before. I love the sales lesson of the story though.  8)

Wait a minute... this might be what is confusing my memory:  I think they did some of the Freak Bros?

Ah, this is the perfect opportunity to use tineye maybe it will turn up something. (I loved an article I read about how we are using the internet as an extension of our mind)

A five part series started last year. I must have seen one of the covers of one of the previous issues somewhere. I recognized the font and word.

I still think it is coming from an 80's punk poster though. It is really close in visual style to something I have seen before.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2010, 09:12:34 am by Bonk »