I like it.
Standards and standard operating procedures are good. So long as what they say makes sense. And I think you're making sense.
Major coding projects have coding style guides, as do major writing projects. Why not a SFC/Dynaverse.net model style/standards guide? Which I expect will come about as a result of what you have proposed if it takes off.
Define classes properties and methods, make it code ready.
By class in this context I mean low poly, standard, enhanced, artistic, and pestalence's gaming machine grade.
Properties such as, isLODed, isHardPointed, Model/PartVersion, ShipClass, GameRace... Those sorts of ideas. Perhaps I jump the gun, but perhaps an xml def... for the parts/models, something to help sort them before they proliferate as I suspect they might. (hang on... would it even be possible to pre-hardpoint? ... I think so, they'd just need renumbering after assembly?)
In general I like the concept. But artists are a wild bunch so we can't be offended if people want to go their own way, and we should do our best to find ways of including as much variety in style as possible so long as minimum standards are met. (?)
I'm thinking associated web app repository already, akin to the battleclinic community docks, but where you can select a bunch of parts and have the server zip them all together and send as one file package for you. Ideally with a thumbnail preview of eaech part for the browser, or better yet a collada version of the part in the package for display on a canvas element in the parts package builder
...just brainstormin...