trying it but it still has alot of problems ie: powercurve on pirates, probes on pirate races they have none, drone control on ships such as Fed DNM ( 7 drone racks yet can only control 6 drones doesn't make sense) these are just a few to name. also how about the continuing refits minus X technology on ship list .
there is more but this is a start hope FS is feeling better
your friendly SFC Community Angel 
- powercurve on pirates is more a question of changing weapon loadouts. I acknowledge I made poor choices for some loadouts. This needs a lenghty review.
- pirates not having probes: not a bug, unless you want to sacrifice a weapon for one.
- Fed DNM with drone control of 6: there's no mention of double-drone control on the SSD. Nor are there any erratas for R2.124 F-DNM. The bug's in the ship design, not the data entry.
Re: drone control. I've written some detection code:
# ship F-DNM: drone control (6) is less than # drones. (7)
# ship F-DNMx: drone control (6) is less than # drones. (7)
# ship K-C10K: drone control (6) is less than # drones. (

# ship K-C10x: drone control (6) is less than # drones. (9)
# ship K-C8x: drone control (6) is less than # drones. (7)
# ship K-WD5x: drone control (6) is less than # drones. (

So... I've been giving it some thought:
The K-C8x and the K-WD5x: I can remove the extra drones, and just leave them as ADD on the refitted ship. The partial X refit does not upgrade the drone control rating. The end result would be a cheaper ship.
The K-C10 and F-DNM: Both ships have a DC of 6.
Based on Grognar's somewhat inaccurate but useful BPV page, I could increase the BPV by 3 and make it DC of 12. I think I will do that.