PS. My original response, which I backspaced and started over, would have probably gotten me banned from these forums.
Ctrl+a, then delete, is faster. Possibly more efficient. Depends on what your end goal is. 'Cause appearantly you have limited time issues. Or at least I may have read that somewhere...

I may or may not have a life but I'm not the one down on my knees sucking off the kitty.
You gotta graduate from the goats, first, bucko.
You have a dead game to support.
It didn't die...
I'll flame you back tonight.
Going out on a limb - that's what she said...? I don't know - that one's a little akward and hard to get a grip on.
THAT's what she said.

I knew I had one in there somewhere.
... wow I just can't seem to stop after just one.
Good-Bye then, Banned for trolling, baiting, not maintaining a civil manner, and disruptive behavior.. simple as that.
Definately was not a master of at least one of those... or was he...??
Hopefully that was taken as intended, and made you all laugh a little. I've been sans internet all day and totally missed this until now.
FS, and all the other providers - your stuff is the poo (slang for awesome)! I mean it. You work a full time job, some, if not most, have families on top of that, and then, squeezed in between sales reports, soccer practice, dinner and a school play, you find the time to bring imagination to life and give us not-quite-as-hard-working peeps something purdy to look at and nifty to play with.
... i'll let that go ...
Well, ultimately this is our house. I don't know about you, but I generally try to keep the poo (slang for poo) out of my house. Sometimes you just don't notice after you've stepped in it and taken a step or two inside. I think that that's all that happened here; someone stepped in poo that spread around the house a bit. Thankfully we caught it before it spread too far.