It's a sweeping fix. What is involved is that the shiplist for all the planets with weapons are redone and then the models themselves will have to be rehardpointed. The hardpoints are currently located anywhere from 5 to 7 range above and below the equator on the physical planet model itself, which obviously causes point defense weapons not to fire because if a ship approaches the equator, the point defense weapons are too far away to fire.
Make note that any weapon that ignores a fire arc should not be used on a planet as firing through the planet mesh occurs and the resulting sound collision from that fire is quite annoying. Below you will see the planet fire arc where HW1 is the front of the ship. HW1 stands for heavy weapon hardpoint 1 and is the 1st heavy weapon column in the shiplist. PH11 stands for the 11th phaser hardpoint and corresponds to the 11th weapon column in the shiplist.
The Yellow arcs should be Ph3 hardpoints which should be present on ALL planets. The Blue are the Ph4's which should be standard on all armed planets. The Red should be heavy weapon hardpoints that should be on all armed planets. The Orange should be optional heavy weapon hardpoints. The rest shaded grey should be only used for homeworlds. Ph1's should not be used on planets as it would give the planet too many defensive phasers.
I do not remember testing to see if a planet can make use of defensive tractors vs drones. I think they do, and I would give all planets 6 and homeworlds 12.
I am fuzzy on the artifex program and do not remember specifically which planets are referred to as colony world, core world and homeworld. If there are other designations artifex uses that the scripts and the map match up, it would be easy to simply use the existing planets as a reference and arm them from the stock taldren template using the fixes I have made.