Oops. I did get it backwards. Guess I did need that second coffee. The song even says how it goes:
Oh so many years have gone
Though i'm older but a year
Your mother's eyes from your eyes cry to me
... insert 12 string riff and chorus...
Physics, with Brian May.

(I know he has an astrophysics PhD or some such?) Actually that brings me back to matrix theory, we're doing a study of the opening chord of "hard days night" - recently published work. I'd like to apply a similar analysis to '39. The chords in that song just do something for everybody.
I got my [math]\Delta T\;[/math]s mixed up. I shall correct the calculation above. Thanks Marstone.

So the time kinda works in our favour. I'd still like to work out an algorithm for optimal spaceflight acceleration curves, or at least read up on existing work. My super-spreadsheet, or super app, what if, anything could I code all of my knowledge and logic into before I die? (and don't say kids, I know how to do
that! - in theory.

I love your ideas Nemesis. I think you have enough for a good story there or at least a whitepaper on the conundrums of interstellar colonisation!