Me&Sheil's, the neighbors, Bran', and a bunch of her HS buddies had Poker Night at the house last night. Poker was over by 10:00, but that wasn't the fun part. (Not by any means ... I, like, placed 3rd and got beat out by a GIRL.)
Nope. The real fun took place when we hooked up one of those XBOX 360 Kinect thingy's that I've had for 3 weeks and never got around to messing with.
Anyway, the insanity ended about 1:00 this morning. The kids were wiped out and I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time.
If you have kids and don't know what to get 'em this Christmas or if you are thinking about buying exercise equipment or sumthin'; check out a Kinect. It's cheaper than most exercise equipment and you can spend some of what's left over on a good defibrillator. (You're probably gonna need it.)