I've updated my TiddlyWiki Mathjax plugin (pretty much bug free now) and have moved on to something equally interesting:
http://logand.com/sw/wps/index.htmlMost cool.
I really should just be doing my homework, but all this will add up to something useful eventually. I'm seeing the applications of linear algebra and matrix theory in gaming blazing through almost as strongly as chemometrics.
I wonder if anyone has started a matlab interpreter in js? There is this trend of implementing other languages on top of javascript lately, and while kind of inefficient, I think it has merit, considering the content that it could provide the "web 2.0-y - ajaxy" internet of today. All the old farts could dump their work in easily... The merit of the concept is debated, but I am behind it where it makes sense.
Hmmm no matlab interpreter in js at first glance. Math thesis anyone? Would it make sense? Would it be possible? And perhaps most importantly - would you get sued?
Second math work proposal - an algorithm, in any language, for finding valid substitutions in systems of linear equations. If a computer could do that on-the-fly.... look out. Would be most helpful for brute force AI by multivariate data analysis. (two of my theories in one - actually, it would reduce the brute-forcyness of it - enough to do it in real time? Imagine games with "real-time" adaptive "AI" (way better than what we have now) and "real-time" raytraced graphics. Whoah. Beware the machine indeed.)
I can almost see how to implement valid lead-tracking in drones within SFC rules. Calc it out as it it were real, then restrict it to quantised SFC hexmap sideslip and close-the-range rules as close as possible in a continuum. Maybe this is what they in fact did? Sounds kinda close to the result we see in SFC, but it is not quite right.
(I think this is how SFC is designed... done on a continuum to approximate the original quantisation of the paper game - I wonder what would happen if you reversed the approach hand did it all to the letter of the paper rules (hideous math) and then averaged the result out over the second and millisecond timescales of SFC for presentation to the users - could it work at all? would there be any benefit?)
edit: I think I have a name for my TiddlyWiki Plugins package. It will show school spirit, but kind of depends on getting WPS working.
- I'm going to need a good chemical structures js library too. An initial search was confusing...
I have noticed that the popularity of js implementations has grown in part due to the iPhone.