I don't mod SFC anymore, because i cant even run it on my computers (crashes with every attempt). Not even if i change to 16 bit desktop. (vista or windows 7). If there was a way to make it run on windows 7 HP 64 bit that i missed please enlighten me.
However nothing is stopping any of you from converting what i posted on the NanoFX site to SFC. I still have an open usage policy. As long as i am credited knock yourselves out. Most of what i have on the nano fx site should already be on battleclinic. I believe my Excelsior models, The SoA 2 Ambassador, The TMP stations, and the K-7 were never converted to SFC. Nor has the TOS romulan warbird, Of the models i made there are far better out there with a few exceptions (DY-100, DY-750), or there are so many of the same thing (Constitutions, Excelsiors, etc. etc.) That it was pointless to release a lower poly version of the same ship.
I havent modeled anything since 2008. I just got all nostalgic, and I am posting the stuff on Nano FX so as it will not get lost in internet oblivion.
If you do see something you want to convert then by all means do so.
I got your e-mail Bernard, and i replied. Thank you.