after high school i had a great group of friends that all gamed together and hung out together most of the time and caused general mayhem. i eventually met my ex-wife through that group. i met her in college algebra and got to know her through the group, she also lived upstairs from the "communal gaming apt". anyway, one of the roommates in the "communal gaming apt" (there were 6 or 7 at one time lol) was named matt. matt was one of the oldest members of our cadre and a truly strange fellow as my ex can attest. now mat was born in california and his parents lived in the haite ashbury district... so you can guess the kind of weird upbringing he had! anyway, matt and his parents at one time lived in the first geodesic dome house that fuller ever built! a way cool story. fuller was a genius who thought in 3 dimensions unlike most 2-d people