opinions? more or less summation by yours truly? and.... onto the science
in NASA news today, the mars antenna is up for a very large (pun intended) overhaul/upgrade. a large upgrade to the tune of $9Mil (not billions for a change

) the antenna needs some major baseline (pun again intended) to extend the life of the antenna and fix the issues with the pads that the antenna sits on. a very cool and necessary project for the mars projects. article here:
http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/63855next up is along the lines of human interest story meets science story. the chicago museum of science and industry has a new interesting concept. how would you like to live in the museum for a month?! i would! yes, i am applying and you should to. this is one of my all-time favorite museums and probably the one i have spent the most time in over my life. the museum is taking applications for one person to be chosen to spend an entire month living in the museum 24/7 and be a modern version of an embedded reporter, only for science! the "chosen one" (their phrase) will be recording observations via blog, twitter (:(P tweet-tarded imho) or other viable forms of online reporting on their observations, musings, etc... there is an application process and i love the concept of the project. personally would take one night to sleep in the lunar module

story and application links here:
http://www.msichicago.org/matm/entry-applicationfinally, in the "just plain fraking awesome" department; this story from china.
http://dvice.com/archives/2010/07/bootleg-optimus.phpa 33 foot tall, 6 tons "bootleg" Optimus Prime constructed of old cars, random old steel and various other neato recycled materials! take a look!