Topic: Looking for able bodies! Concept artists, modellers, textureres, and anyone else  (Read 3586 times)

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Offline FoaS_XC

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Hey folks,

So here's the deal. A friend of mine at RL work and I are starting up our own MMO - We're going to use the Open-Source project "Planeshift" as a basis and alter it into something that will exist in the Spirit of SFC. I am looking for any Modellers, Texturers, Riggers, Scenery Artists, Concept Artists, or anyone who just has a doodle or two to join our art team. We're still in the planning stages, but we hope to crack open the code in a few days and start playing with it.

If you are interested in joining up, throw me a PM, an email at Rob (at) Robinomicon (dot) com, or just reply to this thread. I don't care about your experience, as one of the policies that I have is that anyone who wants to buff up their skills can join up and other members will help you out, including myself.

If anyone is a decent coder, or even not so decent a coder, feel free to join up with our coding team, as well.

I will be away at camp for three days, so when I get back, I had better see a slew of replies ;).

Many thanks,
~ Rob
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."

Offline Centurus

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I wouldn't mind helping out here and there.  I can't do much, but I'll try.
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Offline marstone

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Haven't looked at how it works yet, but I am sure the Marstones can lend a hand coding/scripting.
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Offline Dizzy

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An MMO with the heart of SFCOP? If thats the case I'll help too, but I'd just offer opinions on design ideas, not coding. Basically, my vision of an MMO for trek would be 100+ players on the same server with the SFCOP game mechanics which happens to be the best trek naval warfare SFB based system in existence.

So kinda like the dynaverse we have, but greatly improved to allow for all the web based functionality Bonk came up with, an improved graphics engine with more player and ship slots so a mission of 10 versus 10 players would be possible. Mission scripting needs to be able to have a GUI so anyone can write a mission.  Same with maps. Gosh there's an entire wishlist somewhere, but if it aint SFB Based SFCOP styled then I dont see having any interest in it. So what exactly is it you're planning?

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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I would be interested in helping out too, sounds like a neat project. I have little computer art skills and no coding experience, but I could help on hand-done concept art.

Offline Tus-XC

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sure if you get it going I'll help

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Offline Kreeargh

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Im here to help if wanted. I can model and somewhat :-X animate but proper riging and textureing  :-[ Pm or email me.
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Offline FoaS_XC

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Here's what we have in mind. Take the Economic/Political system of EVE (that is: Player-driven economy, no NPC shops, really) and place onto it the Tactical part of SFC-OP (though, we are going to have 3D movement, lol).

So instead of doing a Hex-based Strategic movement system, ALL gameplay: Strategic Movement, and Combat, will be from the same interface.

The tactical aspects will be very much SFB/SFC inspired - from ECM/ECCM to Tractor Beams. Firing arcs, etc. We will likely keep the same spirit of the weapons, but give them more nuanced firing charts (solid numbers and broad brackets will be a gone; replaced with a gradient of damage/accuracy).

We will be laying on certain aspects of traditional MMOs, like Skills. If you spend a week training Phaser Armaments you will end up getting a +5% damage to your phasers. Things of that nature. Skills, however, will not be THE defining roll of combat - that is - A VERY good player in a new character can definitely be a threat to a mediocre pilot with a veteran player - We would like to put as much a burden on the player as possible as far as skill goes - not nearly as much as equipment or character age (though, that will help).

We won't be hardlining ourselves to the SFC/SFB shiplist - but the spirit of it will be there. There will be an Escort Cruiser, a Drone Cruiser, etc. You WON'T be able to fit a Scout's Special sensors onto a Drone cruiser, and things of that nature - but you will be able to refit a Heavy Cruiser with more recent technology in the same vein (Phaser-2s to Phaser-1s as an SFC/SFB example).

We'll also be laying on a great deal of Economic uses. Characters will be able to harvest ore, refine it, sell it to people who manufacture vessels, who get the blueprints for said vessels from people who research certain vessel designs, who in turn get their lab/research supplies from people who manufacture those. Supply and demand will be a very powerful agent in the scheme of things.

There will be NPC-given "quests" and what not, as well :).

So yes: We badly need programmers who can dive into the planeshift code in earnest. That's going to be our biggest weakness, as it usually is for such endeavors. I have complete confidence in any art team we can put together, that's for damn sure ;).
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."

Offline Dizzy

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Dont think I can help, foas. You are planning things down a road that is too far from the sfb setup. I wish you luck tho, cuz some of your ideas are cool.

Offline FoaS_XC

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No worries. I appreciate your well wishing :-).
"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life."

Offline marstone

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Guess I shall download planeshift and see what it is made of. :crazy2:
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Offline marstone

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grrrr, gettting a bounce on my SVN download.  will have to read up alittle more to see if I can get those darn files.
The smell of printer ink in the morning,
Tis the smell of programming.