Topic: Keeping SFC going  (Read 1925 times)

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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Keeping SFC going
« on: July 09, 2010, 03:54:01 pm »
There has always been a pretty big rift between the various SFC communities -- Dnet, Gamespy Arcade, and the various active fleets of each (even if they've moved onto STO like's DIF or the RoK). What do you folks here think about trying to mend that rift for the health of the game?

Since is the Taldren-christened home of SFC, I am pretty sure that most Gamespy players (or non-Dnet players in general) know about these forums, but don't check in too often. This is probably for the same reasons why it is difficult to sign onto a Dynaverse campaign or sign into GSA every once in a while, and that's how players drift away.

How does something like an e-mail list sound to fix this? Someone could sign up and get SFC updates/news every 1-2 months and not have to sign into any website or game on a regular basis. Any other ideas would also be great -- it's possible that not everyone would just want to give their email out. If there are some solid ideas for this kind of thing, we could also contact some of the other SFC sites and Gamespy, since they have organized tournaments recently. Who knows, maybe Battleclinic has interested members too?

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Re: Keeping SFC going
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2010, 05:16:29 am »
Sounds good.  Keep people interested in this wonderful game as long as we can.  One suggestion would be SFC2.NET's e-mail database.   It's been around the longest and has some of the oldest players of EAW/OP registered there (whether or not their e-mails are current is another thing).  Maybe a mass e-mail letting them all know we're still alive and semi-kicking?!?
Capt Jeff

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Re: Keeping SFC going
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2010, 08:59:21 am »
I would agree, getting news on the state of how the game is, and those who play it would be nice.  But I don't think anyone is able to actually do that and keep a schedule of information.  Or at least haven't seen anyone that can get updates out at any regular time.  None of the different groups really seem organized anough to do it yet.  But we can see.

The idea of using a mailing list of old players is not bad.  Give a header message saying you are getting this information because you are regestered with so and so, and give the remove option and you get past the spam problem.  Some of those people might actually find it nice to see the game is still running and they may come back to check it out.
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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Keeping SFC going
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 02:54:36 pm »
Sounds good.  Keep people interested in this wonderful game as long as we can.  One suggestion would be SFC2.NET's e-mail database.   It's been around the longest and has some of the oldest players of EAW/OP registered there (whether or not their e-mails are current is another thing).  Maybe a mass e-mail letting them all know we're still alive and semi-kicking?!?

The member list sounds like a good source to see if any past players are still interested.

But I don't think anyone is able to actually do that and keep a schedule of information.  Or at least haven't seen anyone that can get updates out at any regular time.  None of the different groups really seem organized anough to do it yet.  But we can see.

I agree . . . maybe the first message out wouldn't be much of an update, but more of a listing of all the current groups and where they are at now, as well as an intro of why we're doing this in the first place. One group I also forgot are the SFB/FC players who don't play multiplayer but still play the game, and might be interested.

Any ideas on a program/website to use? It looks like YahooGroups and Google Groups both require their own email addresses, which would be too many hoops for players to jump through.