Topic: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model  (Read 5849 times)

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Offline FPF-Myriad

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A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« on: June 16, 2010, 06:54:44 pm »
This is a long shot, but does anybody have an original P81 or Atrahasis model (nothing absurdly kitbashed) of a nice TMP battlecruiser (other than the Excelsior)? If so, please contact me. I've been looking for one for weeks, but with no luck. I like the ones in Firesoul's OP+, but there are some peculiarities that I find unsettling with them.
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 12:20:52 am »
I take it you tried WickedZombies site?

anyways you will have to give a little more details on what you are looking for, there are some very good Kitbashes out there that could do. Some kitbashes were done well enough to pass as a normal model.
So were you looking more for a Connie style, Defiant or what.

Few at SFC3Files

You can check here
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 04:39:53 am »
I already tried looking on Battleclinic, SFC3 Files, and Wickedzombie's site. Nothing really caught my eye. I already have P81's CA, XCA, and BCE and WZ's Lexington CC. I was hoping to find a nice Belknap or New Jersey along the lines of P81's or Atrahasis, preferably a original of theirs if they have one.
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 11:34:39 am »
Cent, you might want to post those up on battleclinic
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 12:06:01 pm »
I already tried looking on Battleclinic, SFC3 Files, and Wickedzombie's site. Nothing really caught my eye. I already have P81's CA, XCA, and BCE and WZ's Lexington CC. I was hoping to find a nice Belknap or New Jersey along the lines of P81's or Atrahasis, preferably a original of theirs if they have one.

What do the Belknap or New Jersey look like?

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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 06:05:32 pm »
That New Jersey looks nice, but it would be even better with P81's textures.
Captain Myriad / USS Fearless - NCC-2005 / Federation Protection Fleet

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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 06:53:37 pm »
So then the answer to the question is: no

Not really a high end version is around, P81 and Atrah did make a Belknap and a few other variations and they all used there standard FCA textures. They are all lower ploy models they never really updated them much, even all the old retextures I did all you7 ahve to do is copy in the orginal textures and they will have their look to them again (might have to rename a few textures but easy enough to do)
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2010, 07:00:01 pm »
Where would I find the Belknap model? Do you have one? I can probably use P81's Connie textures if necessary.
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2010, 08:00:32 pm »
Totally crazy suggestion.. but has anyone thought at looking at this, kinda big, mod pack that was done a while ago?

Called Generations at War... was quite a rage for a while.  Did a bit of work on it myself, including a couple of kitbashes.  But more to the point, there's a Belknap in there among others.  From the doc on it:

"This model is a kitbash of Pneumonic81's Enterprise-A model and textures, with a new secondary hull and textures for that made by me. "
Kitbasher/Modeler: Atrahasis
Original Mesh and Textures: Pneumonic81
Converted to SFC3 by Paul "NannerSlug" Seale"

Download is here:;31876

Just that in addition to the standard ships, Nanner also had in there:

Akula TOS
Bismark, Lakota, New Jersey
Dorsetshire (FDX)
New Orleans
Odysseus (FDNH)
Prince of Wales/Excalibur (FCX)
Ragin Queen

He downscaled some of the textures to compact the file size, but if you're replacing textures anyways, shouldn't be an issue.

Just mentioning it because there was a lot of work in there that seems to have gone into the bit bucket..  :p
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2010, 09:25:19 pm »
Cent, you might want to post those up on battleclinic

I don't want to for a couple reasons.  One, they're not my models nor did I kitbash them.  Only reason I posted them here is because I thought they would help.  I'll be taking them down in a couple days.  Second reason I don't wanna post them on Battleclinic, I don't like Battleclinic.
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2010, 11:35:50 pm »
Where would I find the Belknap model? Do you have one? I can probably use P81's Connie textures if necessary.

Versions of it are available at Battle Clinic you would have to put P81 textures on it though as the versions there are retextures. Atras' site if it is still up had a versiojn on it too, plus he was still still releasing ships there last I checked a year or so ago.

Try Here
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2010, 01:32:58 pm »
Atra's site is still up but most of the links have been dead for ages and there's been very little activity for almost as long.

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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2010, 05:28:19 pm »
I'm tempted to e-mail Atra to see if he can help me. Ultimately I'd like to e-mail P81, but I don't know his e-mail address. I tried e-mailing WZ, but he hasn't replied.
On another note, the WZ kitbash I installed in the game, the model is a little small. Slightly smaller than P81's Connie, and a LOT smaller than the Excelsior.
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2010, 05:51:06 pm »
He downscaled some of the textures to compact the file size, but if you're replacing textures anyways, shouldn't be an issue.

Just mentioning it because there was a lot of work in there that seems to have gone into the bit bucket..  :p

It's a shame the textures were switched to low res, otherwise I would go with those models.
I'm probably a moron, but I honestly don't know how to replace the textures. I don't have the proper tools.
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2010, 07:51:10 pm »
He downscaled some of the textures to compact the file size, but if you're replacing textures anyways, shouldn't be an issue.

Just mentioning it because there was a lot of work in there that seems to have gone into the bit bucket..  :p

It's a shame the textures were switched to low res, otherwise I would go with those models.
I'm probably a moron, but I honestly don't know how to replace the textures. I don't have the proper tools.

WZ is a busy person it takes time for him to answer but he has always answered as far as I know.

Nope not a moron just not asking questions:
Simple put it is just a naming convention you have to match. Most retextured ships use the same texture locations as the orginal they just replace the areas on the textures with ones that they want on the ship to match what they thing it should look like. In a few cases they will also change the mapping on the model, those then use new textures but few ppl actually do that. The resoltion doesn't matter as as long as the locations and naming are the same the texture can be swapped for any you chose high or low and they will fix on the model.

Now if you want to make your own textures that can get a bit complex and is better done with PaintShop Pro or PhotoShop. Changing locations on a texture sheet or the model requires software and lots of practice to make it look right.
will not suggest either unless you really want to do it.

an example of textures; the org is the oringal and the retex is one I did, both are from the Potemkin model that WZ did. Both are for the secondary hull area just rename them to hull and you will see either can work. Even though they are different sizes and resolutions thne mapped locations to the model did not change. Had to put them into a zip or else they are to large
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2010, 10:04:01 pm »
I'm not particularly fond of my old ships, which is the main reason they've not been reposted on DRS. Most were flagged as sub-standard or in serious need of overhaul - in fact, Atolm's got concepts of a lot of the oldies that I simply haven't had time to build.

The other main reason they're axed is that I was trying to save site space but as that isn't a concern anymore, I might get around to uploading my old buckets. Mayhaps an Archives Section?
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2010, 11:40:44 pm »
Thank you Centaurus for sharing those ships from Rogue. They are very hard to come by these days. And Zombie, how about a section called "The Crypt" or something similar?
 :laugh: :laugh: :D
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2010, 12:26:14 am »
I'm not particularly fond of my old ships, which is the main reason they've not been reposted on DRS. Most were flagged as sub-standard or in serious need of overhaul - in fact, Atolm's got concepts of a lot of the oldies that I simply haven't had time to build.

The other main reason they're axed is that I was trying to save site space but as that isn't a concern anymore, I might get around to uploading my old buckets. Mayhaps an Archives Section?

Think the Rust Buck, Dead Horses, Zombie Ships or Raised Dead would be a better title heading
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Re: A high quality Fed Battlecruiser model
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2010, 03:46:44 am »
Thank you Centaurus for sharing those ships from Rogue. They are very hard to come by these days. And Zombie, how about a section called "The Crypt" or something similar?
 :laugh: :laugh: :D

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