I'm running vista and SFC1, SFC2 EAW, SFC2 OP, SFC3 and believe it or not New Worlds and Birth of the Federation!
this is what I did....
1. Insert CD and run setup exe as administrator.
2. Once files are loaded, go into the install directory. across the top where the name, size, type is located click on the file type.
3. then click on applications, to bring up only the exe files..
4. Right click on each exe file. click on properties, click on compatibility tab.
5. put a check in compatibility mode for (believe it or not) windows 2000...go figure.
6. Now the boring stuff...

put a check in both visual themes and desktop composition and run in admin.
7. if you want to be real sure click on the show setting for all users tab and redo the whole process once more.
I took the time and everything is working GREAT!!
if you have sound issues I can fix that too.