Nobody is infallible, not even those from beyond the realm of you mortals. That aside, my hardpoint placements are open to interpretation. In the case of the Carolina, their overall numbers are meant to match the FBB UI. Their actual type of weapons on the other hand were never meant to be identical. Hardpoint 5 on the stock ship may be a torpedo launcher but on the Carolina that same area is the ADD flak turret. The stock specs give 5 torpedo launchers to the FBB and 3 drones, whereas my Carolina has 8 torp tubes and no obvious drone launchers. Of course, nobody said torps and drones couldn't have similar looking launchers...
It's not really feasible to match weapon placements on stock ships to new models that only share the same hull designation, which is why most of us just stop at the hardpoint locations and not bother with the original specs.