Topic: Captain's Log  (Read 2461 times)

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Offline Czar Mohab

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Captain's Log
« on: May 25, 2010, 01:58:25 am »
Taken from SFC:OP w/OP+ 4.0 mod, EAW mission scripts, and non-cannon X-Ship additions (it didn't seem right playing for over 100 years as captain without the races eventually overcoming the X-tech limits on BC, DN and BB hulls): F-BCX, F-DNX, F-BBX. Been looking to start this for a long time, just never got around to it.

Captain's Log, 2263.1

This is the first official log of the frigate Rommel. As captain, I'm a little bewildered that the ship would be constructed and yet remain without her crew just weeks before her deployment. It doesn't seem right. Anyway, our orders are to crew up, finish up the last few system installs and get out into space for a shakedown cruise at Asteroid Base 3, about a parsec from Earth. I'm looking forward to getting to know the crew and the ship.

Personal Log, Lt. Cdr. Mohab, U.S.S. Rommel; 2263.1

I hate this ship. Smells like cabbage. The crew, if you could even call them that, are about useless. Lieutenant Nu, the Chief Engineer, is already starting to get on my nerves. "Shouldn't have left space dock without more repair parts," she whined to me. Bah! What could go wrong? What could possibly break between here and AB-3 on a brand new star ship? Nothing. Which is exactly what I explained to her, right after I told her that AB-3 could handle anything that might come up. She added something about not enough "magic screws" on board to handle everything. Sheesh. I'm already looking forward to my next command...

Captain's Log, 2263.2

The siege of AB-3 is over. Starfleet's still not quite sure how two Klingon G4s managed to make it across the border, and almost to Earth, without being detected. Thankfully, the base didn't take too much damage after they ravaged the ship. Lt. Nu managed to keep the warp drive online and to salvage one of our phasers, despite us almost being destroyed. We lost about one quarter of the crew, a full list of casualties will be included as an attachment to this log. Repairs to the ship have commenced and will need to be completed prior to returning to Earth. What's left of the starboard nacelle is looking like a beaver chewed log, and for all intents and purposes we won't be leaving the system on our own power for a few months.

Overall, not a bad shake-down. As I see it, whatever was "blown to hell and gone", as Lt. Nu put it, wasn't going to work out anyway.

Personal Log, Lt. Cdr. Mohab, U.S.S. Rommel; 2263.2

I was number one in my class at the Academy. Combat Tactics was my number one course. So what do I do? I took a moment to analyze the situation: our probe indicated two K-G4's, our computer filled in the blanks and let us know that they have paper thin shields and overall weak hulls. We had two photons that would love to blast a hole in those shields and a base with four high output starbase level phasers.

So what happened? The Klingons drew us away from the base's optimum firing range and pounded us good. All the available parts we had went straight into keeping warp power online enough for us to limp back to the base, and the safety of those phasers. We made one orbit of the station and as we came around to bring our remaining phaser to bear we were privileged to see the second G4 being blown up.

As in: in the time it took us to come around, the base's phasers managed a point-blank crushing blow on the first one (destroying it), recharged, and obliterated the second one. Cocky jerks at AB-3's fire control didn't even give us credit for softening them up.

On a side note, after Lt. Nu's "I told you so" rant about her "magic screws", I've put in for a transfer. Most likely I'll end up on another frigate, but hopefully it won't smell like cabbage.

Personal Log, Lt. Cdr. Mohab, U.S.S. Wallace; 2263.3

It has been a long month but my transfer to the Wallace finally came through and I take command officially tomorrow. She's been without a captain for almost a month, since a similar incident to "The Tradgety at AB-3" took out her bridge. Appearantly, the Klingons had sent in more than one wave of ships to attack minor bases well within the Fedration. The Brass has been worried that war is on the horizon, and I have every confidence that, should hostilities flare up, Wallace will be ready. To further put emphisis on the "war" theory, we've been ordered to patrol the Mira'Kzinti/Klingon/Federation border, to observe and report on any vessels from either side using Federation space to circumvent the defences of the others' borders.

We are not to cross the neutral zone or enter either territory, except for humanitarian aid reasons, with one caveat: If the Mira'Kzinti make a move against the Klingons, we're to offer what support we can in an "as neutral as possible" stance.

Translation from orders to english: we can scout the enemy areas, run interference, and do pretty much anything except fire on the enemy. What's wierd is that the Klingons, though extremely agressive towards us and consider us enemies, are not considered enemies by the Federation or Starfleet. So why would the admiral use the word "enemy"? "War is going to be unavoidable" is the only theory that I have.

The Wallace is almost identical to the Rommel, with a simple addition of a type G drone rack. Since this technology is more or less new to me, I look forward to being able to learn everything that I can about drones. As it turns out, the Klingons and Mira'Kzinti have been using them for some time. Of what I do know of them, I don't see much of an advantage in using a weapon that overall is slower than the pace set by most ships in combat; however, there may be some usefulness in the weapon between now and whenever they decide to give them a more powrful drive. I'm eager to learn, and employ that knowledge when the time comes.

Czar "More later" Mohab

P.S. Life's too short to put it off forever. This is dedicated to Admiral George, who was put down Friday following kidney & liver failure, caused by a massive bladder blockage.

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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Captain's Log
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 07:15:55 pm »
A little late, but I gave this a read. I like it. :) Especially the focus on smaller ships, good stuff . . . I look forward to more whenever you get around to it!

Condolences on the loss of Admiral George, it's always sad when a small member of the family passes away.