I found these two models in my backups as i upgraded my PC last week and finished them after some years they have been unfinished.
the first one ist the Klingon outpost station from Birth of the Federation that is missing in all the BOTF converted models packs i found on the net.
i only remade the mesh a bit the textures are the originals from BOTF.
the second is a Klingon K'tinga variant, that could have been the ship that has been reworked to the Gorkon Qonos One Diplomatic heavy cruiser.
i was inspired by this pic i found somewhere on the net, i think its a prev pic from the canceled game "Secret of Vulcan Fury"
the klingon ship i finished today, after uploading the Legacy converted models, hope you like the color sceme as i like it verry much, better than that one they used on the Qonos One in the Movie.