i have it. i think i figured it out.
i hereby challenge my government, nay the world, to the following. put a person on mars. do it. i dare you. put a human being on another planet. how many people would it need to seriously, put a person and team on mars. how many thousands would it take to build the real possibility of getting there. can you do it? would you do it? really? seriously? how many thousand would be employed to get that mission done. how many more thousands would be employed to support those people? all the money going into the economy in so how many ways? what a message that would send. can you do it? i double dare you to send a team of qualified astronaut trained people, men and women to another planet. i dare you to build the facilities it would take to make this monumental event happen. i dare you to employ, train, support, a mission this monumental that it tells the universe that our continued mission to explore space is so important to us that we will come together as a people to better our planet forever for everyone. i dare you. better yet i dare you not to. in fact you are not allowed to. how does that sound? prove me wrong....
reverse psychology always works, right?
do it for everyone. i challenge you.
- =/\= live long, and prosper =/\= -