Topic: i challenge you united states government.  (Read 4450 times)

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Offline stoneyface

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i challenge you united states government.
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:26:35 am »
i have it. i think i figured it out.
i hereby challenge my government, nay the world, to the following. put a person on mars. do it. i dare you. put a human being on another planet. how many people would it need to seriously, put a person and team on mars. how many thousands would it take to build the real possibility of getting there. can you do it? would you do it? really? seriously? how many thousand would be employed to get that mission done. how many more thousands would be employed to support those people? all the money going into the economy in so how many ways? what a message that would send. can you do it? i double dare you to send a team of qualified astronaut trained people, men and women to another planet. i dare you to build the facilities it would take to make this monumental event happen. i dare you to employ, train, support, a mission this monumental that it tells the universe that our continued mission to explore space is so important to us that we will come together as a people to better our planet forever for everyone. i dare you. better yet i dare you not to. in fact you are not allowed to. how does that sound? prove me wrong....

reverse psychology always works, right?

do it for everyone. i challenge you.
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Offline stoneyface

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2010, 12:28:07 am »
if this doesn't comments i will be really pissed.
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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2010, 12:30:04 am »

I mean.. 'nuff said!

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2010, 12:47:22 am »
i have it. i think i figured it out.
i hereby challenge my government, nay the world, to the following. put a person on mars. do it. i dare you. put a human being on another planet. how many people would it need to seriously, put a person and team on mars. how many thousands would it take to build the real possibility of getting there. can you do it? would you do it? really? seriously? how many thousand would be employed to get that mission done. how many more thousands would be employed to support those people? all the money going into the economy in so how many ways? what a message that would send. can you do it? i double dare you to send a team of qualified astronaut trained people, men and women to another planet. i dare you to build the facilities it would take to make this monumental event happen. i dare you to employ, train, support, a mission this monumental that it tells the universe that our continued mission to explore space is so important to us that we will come together as a people to better our planet forever for everyone. i dare you. better yet i dare you not to. in fact you are not allowed to. how does that sound? prove me wrong....

reverse psychology always works, right?

do it for everyone. i challenge you.
- =/\= live long, and prosper =/\= -

Yep nope er wont happen, $ is going to globalwarming and goverment concepts, NO thinking involved at all it was all drawn out in crayon during the Clintion administration. Nasa is a good concept to start but in the end liberals know its a failure when they controll it. Hence the retirement of the shuttle fleet and no mention of a replacement just drawn up concepts. Out source it as Ex vice presidents says with American FOOD supply yep thats whats needed!! comeone ppl get real and be progressive.    :laugh:   :(

//edited by FA_Frey_XC : fixed your response so peeps could see it properly.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 12:54:54 am by FA Frey XC »
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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2010, 12:49:01 am »
To this I state for thee, and I state this but once.



Offline stoneyface

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2010, 01:23:13 am »
who said nasa?

be the solution.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2010, 02:40:56 am »
who said nasa?

This isn't a trip to orbit, or a 3 day trip to the moon.  The only way a trip to mars would be possible is if the craft was massive enough to carry all of the necessary provisions for a round trip, or unmanned vehicles spent years caching the necessary supplies and equipment for the astronaut's stayover and their return trip.  In which case the craft would still have to be large enough to several months worth of provisions.  There is no way you will be able to find a private enterprise that is willing to invest in that.

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2010, 09:48:21 am »
Even using the Experimental VESPIR Drive, it takes four months there, four months back.  If you plan for a one year mission to mars, there's 4 months on the surface.  I think it should be done, but the government under Bush, Obama, and Clinton, has done nothing for NASA but make it more difficult to operate.  Space Exploration just doesn't excite the kiddies anymore.
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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2010, 12:20:47 pm »
All the space industry seems to have cared about is installing modules on the ISS instead of doing some new things, totally agree, its the final frontier, we need to get out there more.
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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2010, 07:52:43 pm »
Even using the Experimental VESPIR Drive, it takes four months there, four months back.  If you plan for a one year mission to mars, there's 4 months on the surface.  I think it should be done, but the government under Bush, Obama, and Clinton, has done nothing for NASA but make it more difficult to operate.  Space Exploration just doesn't excite the kiddies anymore.

Ok, had to leave in a hurry so I wasn't able to finish my thoughts here.

One place that private industry could have a reason to get out there and to Mars, is the Asteroid Belt.  We'd need a good survey of it, but I'd be willing to bet everything I own (unfortunately that's not enough to finance a mission (I MIGHT have enough to build one bulkhead)) that there's some easily accessible raw materials in a number of those rocks out there.  Mars is a good way station to base a mining expedition out of.

Possible issues include the lack of a strong magnetic field on Mars to protect colonists from solar radiation, the same problem that they'll have en route.  But I imagine we can build a device that would create a magnetic field around a space craft to protect them.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline stoneyface

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2010, 09:29:32 pm »
have you all seen the next x prize proposal? if we just made a concerted effort like we did in the 60's to go to the moon, we would come together as a people and move to the stars. if we don't we will wallow on earth and eventually perish
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Offline Kreeargh

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2010, 11:31:14 pm »
have you all seen the next x prize proposal? if we just made a concerted effort like we did in the 60's to go to the moon, we would come together as a people and move to the stars. if we don't we will wallow on earth and eventually perish

Isnt the X prize a Govmt sponcered idiocy? More spent private funds with the con of freedom yet the Goverment has controll who flys in space and always will even though Nasa concept ends up in private hands the goverment will rule in the end.
:-\ :crazy2: Space not for public its to complex for the masses.  Proof whats the cost 35 Million$ to get a flight in the Russian space shuttle and they been doin this since Bush was elected. But in the USA it costs damn near 1 billion for a launch on ANY space shuttle mission. Most tax payer grow a amebia cons. Where is my DAMN backback flight suit my DAD was promised by the USA GOVERMENT back in 1964?? Screw the space shuttle.
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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2010, 01:26:05 am »
have you all seen the next x prize proposal? if we just made a concerted effort like we did in the 60's to go to the moon, we would come together as a people and move to the stars. if we don't we will wallow on earth and eventually perish

Isnt the X prize a Govmt sponcered idiocy? More spent private funds with the con of freedom yet the Goverment has controll who flys in space and always will even though Nasa concept ends up in private hands the goverment will rule in the end.
:-\ :crazy2: Space not for public its to complex for the masses.  Proof whats the cost 35 Million$ to get a flight in the Russian space shuttle and they been doin this since Bush was elected. But in the USA it costs damn near 1 billion for a launch on ANY space shuttle mission. Most tax payer grow a amebia cons. Where is my DAMN backback flight suit my DAD was promised by the USA GOVERMENT back in 1964?? Screw the space shuttle.

That is 35million for a seat on the flight,  it doesn't include the full cost of sending it into space.  They are doing that to help cut the costs.  35million back for taking an extra person is not a bad thing for them.  Now they probably don't spend a billion to send it up either, but then they don't have the redundencies and extra crap we do either.
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Offline stoneyface

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2010, 07:28:25 am »
for the record, the russians are no longer allowing people to "pay" for a seat into space. so thus ends an era there.

the x prize is NOT gov't funded. it is a non profit organization that was originally funded by a private individual named peter diamandis. it's missions is to CHALLENGE the status quo and inspire private organizations to push themselves into space with money prizes to do so.

Mojave Aerospace Ventures has a huge lead in this area with space ship one. they are a private company who has already achieved suborbital flights. their step is to send a team into ORBITAL flight.

this is not an impossible goal. private companies are already attempting space travel. all they need is time and money and motivated individuals to help them out!
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Offline stoneyface

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Re: i challenge you united states government.
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2010, 05:32:17 pm »
in an ironic twist of fate,

"Looks like John Carmack, through Armadillo Aerospace, will be battling Burt Rutan and Richard Branson to make space travel affordable. From the article: 'Space Adventures is going to use an Armadillo Technologies rocket to launch amateur astronauts 62 miles into the sky. Nothing new, except that they will do it at half the price of Virgin Galactic's ticket, and in a real rocket!' Perhaps I'll visit space, after all."

prices cut in half. hmmm perhaps he read my post too ;)
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