Topic: Fed strategies needed  (Read 45116 times)

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #100 on: August 10, 2010, 01:47:47 pm »
Oh well... the days where that ship had a chance to surprise someone a little has passed, but it was fun when I flew it. Oh, and despite the changes I made, lol some fed captains still called it a coffin and refused to fly it. Guess thats why the klinks never got pissed off at the changes. And the wife still gets on the comms sometimes, lol wasnt that funny on AOTK2?

it's the year it comes out, the BCV was still more useful.

On of the things I had in my list that never made it to the "live' servers was BCXs for all the races, I used the Excelsior model for that and pretended the BCE never existed.  I like the first-generation "SFB" X-ships and was planning on phasing in more and more but never got around to it.

I THINK I have the Klingon C7X on one live server because they were opposite the ISC but I can't recall 100%.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #101 on: August 10, 2010, 02:51:11 pm »
Damn... if windows 7 worked on the dyna...

Offline marstone

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #102 on: August 10, 2010, 03:16:42 pm »
Damn... if windows 7 worked on the dyna...

Keep fingers crossed.
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #103 on: August 10, 2010, 10:44:43 pm »
Lets see, the SG F-BCE, the changes I made to this Taldren movie ship coffin were never shouted down by the klinks, so I think my tweak passed the mustard, at least for the few who flew it.

If memory serves, I added an ADD12, chnged the arcs on the phasers to be a little better, notably 2x Ph3 ALL and 2xPh1 ALL. The biggest change that the BCE underwent was the two rear firing Photons being changed from RA to FARA. And I changed the move cost from 1.25 to 1.24 which solved a fractional power problem at top speed. It now needs 38.44 points of power to go 31 instead of 38.75. That tiny bit of fractional power has a huge benefit. And I think the shuttle launch rate was increased from 1 to 2.

Oh well... the days where that ship had a chance to surprise someone a little has passed, but it was fun when I flew it. Oh, and despite the changes I made, lol some fed captains still called it a coffin and refused to fly it. Guess thats why the klinks never got pissed off at the changes. And the wife still gets on the comms sometimes, lol wasnt that funny on AOTK2?

I knew you had to have changed the BCE, but nobody knew about it, which is why nobody wanted to fly it. We just saw the BCE on the shiplist and drove on past looking for another BCH or whatever we had the bucks for.

As for your wife, that is definitely the funniest thing I've ever heard on TS. It's way better than me in the Hydran Expedition when I finally broke through Klink lines and reached the Federation during DH's last day crackwhore offensive when I announced it on TS. ;)

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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #104 on: August 11, 2010, 09:58:44 am »
Lets see, the SG F-BCE, the changes I made to this Taldren movie ship coffin were never shouted down by the klinks, so I think my tweak passed the mustard, at least for the few who flew it.

It wasn't shouted down because you turned deaf ears... ;)
Anytime there were improvements to any Fed ship it always was the "it needs it" and any protest was ignored or shot down.
But, if there were improvements suggested for a Klingon ship (like a 2nd AMD on the C-7/C10K w/o cutting losing some other system) it was argued down as unbalancing or OTT.
Same arguement went on for years. Once the population dropped to a handful, those changes to Fed ships were a lot easier to simply push through becuase by then not many even cared enough to complain. So then BCE and NCM got a free AMD because it was "needed" and the handful of Klingons still around who did complain were simply ignored.
And who could forget the power boost given to the Fed Base stations/Starbases until another Alliance players raised hell on the public forums, before everybody noticed and chimed in, and it was reduced again, but not until it had been in for at one campaign before being noticed. (Not my fault you guys don't review the shiplist is what we were told)
Just another one of the many things that have contributed to the decline of the SFC population.
Simply the fact that you even were running a campaign was enough for many players to decline my invite to join, and not just on the Coalition side.  ;)
It's too bad really, it was a great game...but I doubt there will ever be another SFC camapign on the D2.
After a couple of years, if STO ever manages to get their s*** together, it has some potential, but as it stands now, they need a lot more content at least before they're going to keep a decent Klingon population...same old story, different's all about the Feds...
Lord Krueg
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #105 on: August 11, 2010, 10:08:33 am »

 It's way better than me in the Hydran Expedition when I finally broke through Klink lines and reached the Federation during DH's last day crackwhore offensive when I announced it on TS. ;)

Ah, that would have been GW 1, when the server went down only a few hours before the campaign was supposed to end, stayed down (due to tech difficulties  ;) ) only to come back up just before the pre-announced time the Alliance was supposed to meet up for a final push.
We had a bunch of Klingons on when it "crashed" and we waited for a while, but by the time it finally came back up, most of the Klingons had gone off to bed and, in an amazing stroke of luck, dozens of Alliance had logged on where before there were hardly any.
So the Feds pulled a rabbit out of the hat and won because of a Hail Mary pass executed in the final hour or two of the camapign.
As I recall, that was the only one in the GW series the Alliance won, that's why we never had a GW 6, there was simply no way for the Alliance to emerge victorious after the scandelous pomeling of GW 5.
Ah...the Glory days.
Lord Krueg
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #106 on: August 11, 2010, 10:25:35 am »

 It's way better than me in the Hydran Expedition when I finally broke through Klink lines and reached the Federation during DH's last day crackwhore offensive when I announced it on TS. ;)

Ah, that would have been GW 1, when the server went down only a few hours before the campaign was supposed to end, stayed down (due to tech difficulties  ;) ) only to come back up just before the pre-announced time the Alliance was supposed to meet up for a final push.
We had a bunch of Klingons on when it "crashed" and we waited for a while, but by the time it finally came back up, most of the Klingons had gone off to bed and, in an amazing stroke of luck, dozens of Alliance had logged on where before there were hardly any.
So the Feds pulled a rabbit out of the hat and won because of a Hail Mary pass executed in the final hour or two of the camapign.
As I recall, that was the only one in the GW series the Alliance won, that's why we never had a GW 6, there was simply no way for the Alliance to emerge victorious after the scandelous pomeling of GW 5.
Ah...the Glory days.

lots of bad words removed.........
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 10:40:37 am by FVA_C_Blade_XC »
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #107 on: August 11, 2010, 10:41:48 am »

 It's way better than me in the Hydran Expedition when I finally broke through Klink lines and reached the Federation during DH's last day crackwhore offensive when I announced it on TS. ;)

Ah, that would have been GW 1, when the server went down only a few hours before the campaign was supposed to end, stayed down (due to tech difficulties  ;) ) only to come back up just before the pre-announced time the Alliance was supposed to meet up for a final push.
We had a bunch of Klingons on when it "crashed" and we waited for a while, but by the time it finally came back up, most of the Klingons had gone off to bed and, in an amazing stroke of luck, dozens of Alliance had logged on where before there were hardly any.
So the Feds pulled a rabbit out of the hat and won because of a Hail Mary pass executed in the final hour or two of the camapign.
As I recall, that was the only one in the GW series the Alliance won, that's why we never had a GW 6, there was simply no way for the Alliance to emerge victorious after the scandelous pomeling of GW 5.
Ah...the Glory days.

you are still a race-whore with no concept of objectivity, after all these years and on a game we'll never play again you pull this kind of sh*t?   The Klinks got many improvements including awesome PFs and fighter/carrier improvements.  Anything better than what was given would have been WAY OTT for some of the traditional enemies (Hydrans) without making a lick of difference agasint other (2 UMD on a C7 really make a differnce against a BCF?).

The C8VK -  with AWESOME fighters, AMD and drones.
The D7TX - X-Ship with photons front and rear-firing
The DX with C7 Distrupter arcs.

Yeah, i was REALLY trying to f*ck the Klingons . . .

Regarding other "Coalition" upgrades, did you not see the Romulans?  If we were trying to tank the Coaltion would I have added in all of their amazing carriers?

How many servers did the F-DNH have drone control of 6?  Most of them after 2004.  You have any idea how much sh*t I got for that?  Have you played a Lyran CVA?  Or an ISC CCZ with Mech-link?

News for your Kreug, you were a mediocre pilot at best.  You were never good enough to tell if something was balanced or not.  Every modification made had hours and hours of testing to see if something was OTT or not.  Offers were made to ANYONE to join in on the testing, I'd announce it on the forums and post the lists as well as the documented changes.  The most blantant race-whore in the game, t00l, was told to STFU more often than not.

More bad words.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 10:42:48 am by FVA_C_Blade_XC »
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #108 on: August 11, 2010, 11:32:48 am »

 It's way better than me in the Hydran Expedition when I finally broke through Klink lines and reached the Federation during DH's last day crackwhore offensive when I announced it on TS. ;)

Ah, that would have been GW 1, when the server went down only a few hours before the campaign was supposed to end, stayed down (due to tech difficulties  ;) ) only to come back up just before the pre-announced time the Alliance was supposed to meet up for a final push.
We had a bunch of Klingons on when it "crashed" and we waited for a while, but by the time it finally came back up, most of the Klingons had gone off to bed and, in an amazing stroke of luck, dozens of Alliance had logged on where before there were hardly any.
So the Feds pulled a rabbit out of the hat and won because of a Hail Mary pass executed in the final hour or two of the camapign.
As I recall, that was the only one in the GW series the Alliance won, that's why we never had a GW 6, there was simply no way for the Alliance to emerge victorious after the scandelous pomeling of GW 5.
Ah...the Glory days.

bad words.

hm...touched a nerve there, did I?
I never said anything of the sort. I sure you remember the controversy that erupted over said incident. I simply brought it up again.
Relax, was a long time ago, obviously, some are more sensitive about it than others.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 10:43:37 am by FVA_C_Blade_XC »
Lord Krueg
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #109 on: August 11, 2010, 11:55:44 am »

 It's way better than me in the Hydran Expedition when I finally broke through Klink lines and reached the Federation during DH's last day crackwhore offensive when I announced it on TS. ;)

Ah, that would have been GW 1, when the server went down only a few hours before the campaign was supposed to end, stayed down (due to tech difficulties  ;) ) only to come back up just before the pre-announced time the Alliance was supposed to meet up for a final push.
We had a bunch of Klingons on when it "crashed" and we waited for a while, but by the time it finally came back up, most of the Klingons had gone off to bed and, in an amazing stroke of luck, dozens of Alliance had logged on where before there were hardly any.
So the Feds pulled a rabbit out of the hat and won because of a Hail Mary pass executed in the final hour or two of the camapign.
As I recall, that was the only one in the GW series the Alliance won, that's why we never had a GW 6, there was simply no way for the Alliance to emerge victorious after the scandelous pomeling of GW 5.
Ah...the Glory days.

you are still a race-whore with no concept of objectivity, after all these years and on a game we'll never play again you pull this kind of sh*t?   The Klinks got many improvements including awesome PFs and fighter/carrier improvements.  Anything better than what was given would have been WAY OTT for some of the traditional enemies (Hydrans) without making a lick of difference agasint other (2 UMD on a C7 really make a differnce against a BCF?).

The C8VK -  with AWESOME fighters, AMD and drones.
The D7TX - X-Ship with photons front and rear-firing
The DX with C7 Distrupter arcs.

Yeah, i was REALLY trying to f*ck the Klingons . . .

Regarding other "Coalition" upgrades, did you not see the Romulans?  If we were trying to tank the Coaltion would I have added in all of their amazing carriers?

How many servers did the F-DNH have drone control of 6?  Most of them after 2004.  You have any idea how much sh*t I got for that?  Have you played a Lyran CVA?  Or an ISC CCZ with Mech-link?

News for your Kreug, you were a mediocre pilot at best.  You were never good enough to tell if something was balanced or not.  Every modification made had hours and hours of testing to see if something was OTT or not.  Offers were made to ANYONE to join in on the testing, I'd announce it on the forums and post the lists as well as the documented changes.  The most blantant race-whore in the game, t00l, was told to STFU more often than not.

bad words

DUDE, calm down, will ya? Have ya had your meds today?
I brought up old arguements that raged for years. Obviously, some are more sensitive to old discussions than others.
I NEVER implied, suggested or otherwise indicated you tried anything of the sort.
Nor did I mention anything about any of those ships you listed. I mentioned 2 of the more commonly used ships, ones that we always have choices of, and no Rmoulan ships at all.
Hell, I credit you with the best shiplist ever used in any campaign. I'm the one who always wanted your shiplist, with the SFB fighters/PFs and such used.
Where did you read I implied you were trying to F*** over the Klingons?

Yeppers, I was a mediocre pilot, never claimed to be anything but.
Even back to SFC1 during the Mpig days....
If I got a 50% kill ratio, I was happy.
I never made any posts claiming my greatness, nor bragged about killing so and so if I had a Victory.
If I had real keyboard skills, I might have been better, but I don't and I wasn't.
I never lead the Coalition in so many campaigns because I was a uber pilot, I did it mostly because no one else wanted the responsibility.
Oh, and that I was usually asked to by the Coalition pilots.
But, I enjoyed the game, isn't that what it was all about?
Chill out man. You act like I personally attacked you and said you were some dirty cheater or something.
Where did your name even come up? Where did I mention ANYTHING you did or didn't do?
Damn...almost like ya got a guilt complex or something.
Take a pill and calm down.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 10:45:05 am by FVA_C_Blade_XC »
Lord Krueg
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #110 on: August 11, 2010, 01:10:47 pm »
Locked. If there is a discussion to be had about strategies, someone make a new thread. If you want to make personal attacks, do it in PMs.

There is a rule in my house, and its a good one: "If something happened over six months ago, you aren't allowed to bring it up in a fight." Obviously, this isn't my house, and I can't make it a solid rule across the board, nor would I want to, but its a good thing to keep at the back of one's head, as a matter of courtesy.
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #111 on: August 20, 2010, 10:47:30 am »
Topic unlocked,

PM's sent to those who needed them. :police:
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #112 on: August 20, 2010, 09:34:36 pm »
DH, I am seriously concerned about you.

Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #113 on: August 21, 2010, 05:00:59 am »
You guys are correct about all those awsome ships you gave us I really enjoyed the D7w with the expanded arcs for the dizzies in one of dizzies servers.
 The fact remains tho there were some problems with some of our ships that werent corrected no matter how many times we said something untill the same problem was encountered  in some of your allies ships. One of the klingon mirv ships as i recall. This is all water under the bridge now.
 I still think that in most cases tho the best fed tactic when confronted with a klingon is to HET and run at full speed ::)

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #114 on: August 21, 2010, 07:05:47 am »
You guys are correct about all those awsome ships you gave us I really enjoyed the D7w with the expanded arcs for the dizzies in one of dizzies servers.
 The fact remains tho there were some problems with some of our ships that werent corrected no matter how many times we said something untill the same problem was encountered  in some of your allies ships. One of the klingon mirv ships as i recall. This is all water under the bridge now.
 I still think that in most cases tho the best fed tactic when confronted with a klingon is to HET and run at full speed ::)

It depends on the ship I'm flying, but I would still probably blow you out of the water in any equal fight while flying a Fed vs. a Klink. I actually learned how to play something besides a droner...  :coolsmiley:

One of the reasons I like and respect Kreug is that he at least knows how to use a disruptor, which most Klinks don't.

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #115 on: August 21, 2010, 09:10:04 am »
You guys are correct about all those awsome ships you gave us I really enjoyed the D7w with the expanded arcs for the dizzies in one of dizzies servers.
 The fact remains tho there were some problems with some of our ships that werent corrected no matter how many times we said something untill the same problem was encountered  in some of your allies ships. One of the klingon mirv ships as i recall. This is all water under the bridge now.
 I still think that in most cases tho the best fed tactic when confronted with a klingon is to HET and run at full speed ::)

One of the nice things about the game.  If you don't like the shiplist, or how a server runs.  The tools are out there to make a new shiplist and run a server yourself.  (would be nice if more would do this, bad connection speed for me or I would try to get on up again, did a few test servers).
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #116 on: August 21, 2010, 09:16:10 am »

 I still think that in most cases tho the best fed tactic when confronted with a klingon is to HET and run at full speed ::)

Are you such a poor player that the only way you can win is to score cheap hits when the fed suffers a system breakdown?  This is not intended to be trash talk, merely my observations as a fed pilot, that the majority of the times I've tried to het it hasn't worked out well for me.  In fact, if you look at my youtube page, the last vid I uploaded has me suffering a breakdown in a pvp match

Offline marstone

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #117 on: August 21, 2010, 09:39:50 am »
That is one thing I don't like about the shiplist on fed ships.  In SFB a DD can het no problem the first time (100%) but not even close to that in SFC.  I have had the sucky part of breaking down in ships I use to HET in, in SFB.  But breakdown doing such in SFC as the chance is so low for some reason.
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Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #118 on: August 21, 2010, 05:12:46 pm »

 I still think that in most cases tho the best fed tactic when confronted with a klingon is to HET and run at full speed ::)

Are you such a poor player that the only way you can win is to score cheap hits when the fed suffers a system breakdown?  This is not intended to be trash talk, merely my observations as a fed pilot, that the majority of the times I've tried to het it hasn't worked out well for me.  In fact, if you look at my youtube page, the last vid I uploaded has me suffering a breakdown in a pvp match
LOL funny stuff its all cool no offense taken.  ;D

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #119 on: August 21, 2010, 05:17:16 pm »
You guys are correct about all those awsome ships you gave us I really enjoyed the D7w with the expanded arcs for the dizzies in one of dizzies servers.
 The fact remains tho there were some problems with some of our ships that werent corrected no matter how many times we said something untill the same problem was encountered  in some of your allies ships. One of the klingon mirv ships as i recall. This is all water under the bridge now.
 I still think that in most cases tho the best fed tactic when confronted with a klingon is to HET and run at full speed ::)

It depends on the ship I'm flying, but I would still probably blow you out of the water in any equal fight while flying a Fed vs. a Klink. I actually learned how to play something besides a droner...  :coolsmiley:
I would take you up on that challenge if i had a machine that would run SFC. Im on and olllllllllllllllld sony machine (233 mhz processor 128 mb of ram) using an os called turbo pup(linux). :'(

One of the reasons I like and respect Kreug is that he at least knows how to use a disruptor, which most Klinks don't.