Topic: Fed strategies needed  (Read 45117 times)

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2010, 07:24:24 pm »
Well... we don't, or can't, actually play the game anymore. So we have our battles here, reliving our glory years in the relative safety of a forum post, where we never have to watch the bright light of a warp-core breach where our ship used to be.  ;)
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #81 on: July 23, 2010, 09:02:59 pm »
Yeah, I remember my most painful warp core breach... Before the new Mirak fast cruiser was 'adjusted' for playbalance issues, Reejr killed my C7V with one. Or mb it was a C7. Totally humiliating. I went and hid under a rock for a while after that. Totally newbed the encounter and got pwnd.

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2010, 12:44:21 am »
Curious -- what does "power curve" exactly mean? I've used it before from time-to-time to describe the general power efficiency of a ship. In this case, I would say that the Federation CB has a better power curve than the CA just because it has more power (and you don't have to use the power on the hungry weapons if you need it somewhere else). But if the strict definition of a power curve is the amount of energy a ship has leftover while it fully charges its weapons (100% capacitor and all heavy weapons on normal), then the CA has the better curve.

Also, does power curve have anything to do with holdable heavy weapons? Klingons can usually charge normal dizzies while flying faster than Feds charging an equal number of photons, but the Klinks won't be able to speed up after charging them, unlike the Fed. Which would have the better power curve in this example?

Power curve for me means that the ship can walk and chew gum at the same time at a speed of 20+. If it can't do that, it doesn't have a power curve, it has lifepods.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #83 on: July 27, 2010, 03:23:39 pm »

Starcastling vs a Klingon is the way to go, except if he has fighters (Cheese). Or a B11

After having learned to castle and trying other stuff I have to say it's NOT always the best option.   Sure you don't zip around at speed 28 the whole time but mid-speed works best.  You have to cause damage you your opponent and can't always rely on them being stupid enough to let you fire at range 8 and giving you time to reload.  In D2 trying to castle after 2280 is a death sentence.  Different in GSA because of loadouts, but I'd still take a BCF over a C7 in 2280 with D2 loadouts.  i prefer plasma in GSA anyway.

One of the things i loved about D2 was the evolution of tactics that came about as the ships (and the cheese . . .) gets better.  You can't use the same tactics in 2285 that worked in 2265, and you wouldn't be able to uses 2285 tactics in 2265 because the ships just wouldn't be able to do it.

The racial trash-talk is damned amusing though, shows that after a decade we can still be passionate about a game.  if only it worked on modern OSes . . .
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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #84 on: August 08, 2010, 01:19:53 pm »
As one of the four or five best Fed pilots I've ever had the privilege of flying with, listen to what Die Hard says.

I'll go on later, but I've tried posting twice already and after wasting nearly 3 hours on a wireless connection that is having fits, I'm trying to keep this one short and sweet.

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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #85 on: August 08, 2010, 01:38:13 pm »
Do you know if there is a similar thread for Feds vs. other races, especially Klinks?

Best advice for the Feddies facing a Klingon - Surrender.

Drag your sorry ass back to the sewer it came from, you useless Klinktard.  :thumbsdown:

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #86 on: August 08, 2010, 02:20:33 pm »
Do you know if there is a similar thread for Feds vs. other races, especially Klinks?

Best advice for the Feddies facing a Klingon - Surrender.

Drag your sorry ass back to the sewer it came from, you useless Klinktard.  :thumbsdown:

You might want to read the earlier parts of the thread for advice you might like better.
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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #87 on: August 09, 2010, 07:32:00 am »
Back to more serious stuff. I only use proxies in planet or base assaults. I use normals against Rommies(same for Gorn and ISC) until I wear them down for the OL's. Against Klinks it's about 90% OL's, same with the Kitties, Lyrans, and the rare encounter with a Hydran enemy ship. The key to flying Fed is watching your power curve and your EW board, but never forget your tractor/repulse setting, especially against droners and plasma ships.

In the Klink Civil War campaign, with the exception of Kreug and Saxon, a lot of Klinks simply didn't play because the D5D was not on the shiplist and they don't know how to use disruptors. The Fed, Hydran, and Lyran pilots proved to be better Klinks than most of the regular ones because they knew how to use direct fire weapons, not drones.

If you're a Fed, learn how to work the shiplist. In Early, if they don't start you in one, get a FFG and start earning points for your next ship, which should be a CC+(skip the DD, it's a deathtrap). In Mid, go with the CLC, but be careful, it has a horrible HET, and odds are you'll breakdown if you try one, which means you're dead. Otherwise, it's a bulldog fully capable of taking on any other medium cruiser. I've never really cared for the CB, so if I'm not in a CLC by now, I'll stick with the CC+. When you get to Late, you should have enough points to buy at least a BCH. I love the BCV, but that doesn't come out until you're really late in the campaign, so it's you're choice, Die Hard likes the BCJ, others like the Bismarck class(BCF), I don't like trying to arm photons and F-torps at the same time. I prefer the Kirov class(i.e. BCG), which if there's any justice in the world when they make SFC4, will have double drone control. BTW: stay as far away as possible from the Excelsior(BCE) class as possible, it's useless.

If you're one of the few chosen, because usually in campaigns, there's a limit on how many dreads and CVA's any race can fly, so depending on the era, I list them as follows: Early, get a DNL. This is a fun ship to fly, five photons you can OL at high speed and enough phasers to chase any droner to the borderline. Mid, I'd try and get my hands on a CVA, another fun ship which is good at ambushes for an unexpecting enemy pilot. Late, go with the DNH or SCS. They're both monsters when flown properly.

I don't really like the X-Ships because I think they were thrown in as a gimmick by Taldren, and the BB's(for all races) are just a little over the top, IMO.

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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #88 on: August 09, 2010, 01:44:21 pm »

If you're a Fed, learn how to work the shiplist. In Early, if they don't start you in one, get a FFG and start earning points for your next ship, which should be a CC+(skip the DD, it's a deathtrap). In Mid, go with the CLC, but be careful, it has a horrible HET, and odds are you'll breakdown if you try one, which means you're dead. Otherwise, it's a bulldog fully capable of taking on any other medium cruiser. I've never really cared for the CB, so if I'm not in a CLC by now, I'll stick with the CC+. When you get to Late, you should have enough points to buy at least a BCH. I love the BCV, but that doesn't come out until you're really late in the campaign, so it's you're choice, Die Hard likes the BCJ, others like the Bismarck class(BCF), I don't like trying to arm photons and F-torps at the same time. I prefer the Kirov class(i.e. BCG), which if there's any justice in the world when they make SFC4, will have double drone control. BTW: stay as far away as possible from the Excelsior(BCE) class as possible, it's useless.

If you're one of the few chosen, because usually in campaigns, there's a limit on how many dreads and CVA's any race can fly, so depending on the era, I list them as follows: Early, get a DNL. This is a fun ship to fly, five photons you can OL at high speed and enough phasers to chase any droner to the borderline. Mid, I'd try and get my hands on a CVA, another fun ship which is good at ambushes for an unexpecting enemy pilot. Late, go with the DNH or SCS. They're both monsters when flown properly.

I don't really like the X-Ships because I think they were thrown in as a gimmick by Taldren, and the BB's(for all races) are just a little over the top, IMO.

Ahh, the CLC isn't available until late era.  I'm fairly sure the CC+ isn't available until mid, but I don't fly it that often so I'm not sure.  Same with the DNL.  If I'm flying on GSA, I prefer the DNW over the DNH as it is a better value for the bpv.  However on a dyna where bpv isn't an issue I'd take the DNH.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #89 on: August 09, 2010, 01:49:28 pm »

In the Klink Civil War campaign, with the exception of Kreug and Saxon, a lot of Klinks simply didn't play because the D5D was not on the shiplist and they don't know how to use disruptors. The Fed, Hydran, and Lyran pilots proved to be better Klinks than most of the regular ones because they knew how to use direct fire weapons, not drones.

That's not entirely fair and at the same time - who in their right mind thinks a D5D has a pray against a D5L or D7W?  The Klingon ships are build to fight mirak, WTF is a D5D going to do against a D7W's 7 rear-firing phaser 1s that it can reload at speed 31?   It's as good of a D5D-killer as a Federation fast cruiser.  I think Hexx should have left them in so it would have shown how futile it would have been against ships built to fight Kzinti.

I'd also have to point out that the KHH, a Klingon fleet, won that server.
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #90 on: August 09, 2010, 02:08:26 pm »
I'd also have to point out that the KHH, a Klingon fleet, won that server.

Gorn's are still prettier.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #91 on: August 09, 2010, 02:14:23 pm »
I'd also have to point out that the KHH, a Klingon fleet, won that server.

Gorn's are still prettier.

I don't think he denied that fact.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #92 on: August 09, 2010, 02:19:49 pm »

In the Klink Civil War campaign, with the exception of Kreug and Saxon, a lot of Klinks simply didn't play because the D5D was not on the shiplist and they don't know how to use disruptors. The Fed, Hydran, and Lyran pilots proved to be better Klinks than most of the regular ones because they knew how to use direct fire weapons, not drones.

That's not entirely fair and at the same time - who in their right mind thinks a D5D has a pray against a D5L or D7W?  The Klingon ships are build to fight mirak, WTF is a D5D going to do against a D7W's 7 rear-firing phaser 1s that it can reload at speed 31?   It's as good of a D5D-killer as a Federation fast cruiser.  I think Hexx should have left them in so it would have shown how futile it would have been against ships built to fight Kzinti.

I'd also have to point out that the KHH, a Klingon fleet, won that server.

All I know is that in the Klink Civil War, Jeff, C-Los and I flew numerous 3-on-3 battles with Klink pilots and never lost one. In D5L's.

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #93 on: August 09, 2010, 05:07:35 pm »

In the Klink Civil War campaign, with the exception of Kreug and Saxon, a lot of Klinks simply didn't play because the D5D was not on the shiplist and they don't know how to use disruptors.

My old friend Saxon did not participate in the KCW. Buy the time it finally happened, he had been long absent from the D2 and SFC in general.
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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #94 on: August 09, 2010, 05:12:48 pm »
Dynaverse II Experiences / Re: KCW KHH Kills etc.
« on: February 04, 2006, 03:34:56 am »
KHH-CurzonDax in a D7-W, blows up Dflys' DWL friday evening. GG sir.   

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #95 on: August 09, 2010, 07:12:10 pm »
Hey FT! The BCE SG version aint useless@!@#

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #96 on: August 09, 2010, 08:50:27 pm »
Hey FT! The BCE SG version aint useless@!@#

Dizzy! One of the best pilots I've ever known, plus a wife who wasn't shy about getting on TS to get you off the Dyna. ;)

I based my ratings on the standard SFC2 and OP shiplists. If you upgraded the BCE, more power to you, but I think you'd agree that the D2 version was useless.

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #97 on: August 09, 2010, 09:26:08 pm »

Back to more serious stuff. I only use proxies in planet or base assaults. I use normals against Rommies(same for Gorn and ISC) until I wear them down for the OL's. Against Klinks it's about 90% OL's, same with the Kitties, Lyrans, and the rare encounter with a Hydran enemy ship. The key to flying Fed is watching your power curve and your EW board, but never forget your tractor/repulse setting, especially against droners and plasma ships.
I would really like to see this done using normals vs Rommies in CC+.

If you're a Fed, learn how to work the shiplist. In Early, if they don't start you in one, get a FFG and start earning points for your next ship, which should be a CC+(skip the DD, it's a deathtrap). In Mid, go with the CLC, but be careful, it has a horrible HET, and odds are you'll breakdown if you try one, which means you're dead. Otherwise, it's a bulldog fully capable of taking on any other medium cruiser. I've never really cared for the CB, so if I'm not in a CLC by now, I'll stick with the CC+. When you get to Late, you should have enough points to buy at least a BCH. I love the BCV, but that doesn't come out until you're really late in the campaign, so it's you're choice, Die Hard likes the BCJ, others like the Bismarck class(BCF), I don't like trying to arm photons and F-torps at the same time. I prefer the Kirov class(i.e. BCG), which if there's any justice in the world when they make SFC4, will have double drone control. BTW: stay as far away as possible from the Excelsior(BCE) class as possible, it's useless.
I don't find anything wrong with a DD+ or DDG as well as F-CAI or BCE.This makes for good skill full pilot in not relying on the ADD.

I don't really like the X-Ships because I think they were thrown in as a gimmick by Taldren, and the BB's(for all races) are just a little over the top, IMO.
I don't find anything wrong with FS not as bad as Taldrens

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #98 on: August 10, 2010, 08:40:15 am »
I'd also have to point out that the KHH, a Klingon fleet, won that server.

Gorn's are still prettier.

Get your ass on DDO.  Sure you can't play a lizard but a female dwarf with pink hair would be perfect for you.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Fed strategies needed
« Reply #99 on: August 10, 2010, 10:38:32 am »
Lets see, the SG F-BCE, the changes I made to this Taldren movie ship coffin were never shouted down by the klinks, so I think my tweak passed the mustard, at least for the few who flew it.

If memory serves, I added an ADD12, chnged the arcs on the phasers to be a little better, notably 2x Ph3 ALL and 2xPh1 ALL. The biggest change that the BCE underwent was the two rear firing Photons being changed from RA to FARA. And I changed the move cost from 1.25 to 1.24 which solved a fractional power problem at top speed. It now needs 38.44 points of power to go 31 instead of 38.75. That tiny bit of fractional power has a huge benefit. And I think the shuttle launch rate was increased from 1 to 2.

Oh well... the days where that ship had a chance to surprise someone a little has passed, but it was fun when I flew it. Oh, and despite the changes I made, lol some fed captains still called it a coffin and refused to fly it. Guess thats why the klinks never got pissed off at the changes. And the wife still gets on the comms sometimes, lol wasnt that funny on AOTK2?