If you want to beef up the game for difficulty, then I can give you some tips on the GF files for some tweaks to where the game will hammer you..
Didn't notice this offer until a second read-through. Short answer: YES PLEASE! TIPS ARE GREAT!
Long Answer:
Harder single player is definitely part of what I'm trying to do...but what I'm really after is a bit more variety/complexity/fidelity out of the single player campaign. I'm just getting back into SFB/SFC/FedComm/F&E and I'm looking to make the campaign run a little more ...like I'm actually fighting a war against an enemy that
doesn't have an infinite number of dreadnoughts. More "Federation and Empire"-like, if you will. What I'm thinking of (in my noob-ish ignorance) is:
-My first thought was (obviously) to use Firesoul's OP 4.0+ as the basic shiplist. Done - check.
-Find or modify the shiplist to be consistent with the SF Universe General War timeline if it wasn't. Still not sure if I need to do that (but it was why I was interested in Hardcore-I thought that's what Hardcore was for)
-Find/make a new map using the F&E map as a base. My guess is that someone's probably done this already or there's a reason (like size limits in the map editor or somesuch) that it just cannot be done. If I need to do it myself - well, I've got the map editor and the "medium" map as a start...
-Get as many interesting missions together as possible...that play nice with Firesoul's shiplist. I've got the ones in your "Enhancements" Package and think they'll do for a start.
-Write the appropriate .mct, .gf, and other files. Learning about this on NW's page.
-Ultimately start scripting. The script set I'm playing right now just doesn't do the campaign engine justice...as my quick read through of NW's site has taught me. Sadly, I've got a lot of other irons in the fire before I get to this one...
Any tips you have would be great!