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Topic: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....  (Read 45896 times)

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Offline EagleEye

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Are you guys any closer in getting EAW Dyna to work for Windows 7? It's fun playing the campaign and skirmishes but after awhile you just want to hit some multiplayer!

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Very much closer. Have faith.
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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2011, 10:15:05 pm »
Right now, even if you had Dynaverse support, your best bet is to find people on GameSpy.

Offline Hookan91

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2011, 06:11:13 pm »
All SFC titles work on Vista / Windows 7 for Single Player Campaign / Skirmish modes, Gamespy Arcade, and TCP/IP.

First, turn off AV untill you are finished fully installing any and all applications, patches, utilites for the SFC game title. You need to install to the Program Files folder (32 bit) or the Program Files (x86) (64 bit).. you must launch the installer manually (not auto run) and install as administrator (right click setup.exe and run as administrator).. after installing the game, You need to find the install directory, right click the directory and select Properties, Uncheck the Read Only at the bottom of the General tab, click OK, say Yes for All files and Folders.. Next, you must patch to latest version by right clicking the patch and running as administrator, make sure the patch points to the proper install directory. Once installed, finde the Strfleet.exe, Starfleet2.exe, or StarfleetOP.exe and right click, go to properties, go to compatibility tab and set "Run as Administrator" check box. click OK.. right click the file again and select "Copy" and go to desktop and right click and select "Paste Shortcut". You will use this file to launch game (the other launcher files in Start Menu are bugged and can be deleted and removed from the Games folder).

For optimal performance you must set permissions to the current user, even if you are the administrator.

To do this, fine the Starfleet Command, Starfleet Command 2 (EAW depending on how you installed), or Starfleet Command Orion Pirates folder .. right click the folder, select Properties, select Security Tab. Click Edit button. Click Add Button. Type in your Windows Lon On name (the same name as your Pesonal folder .. the one where My Documents and My Download and My Videos is located). Click OK, then for each user listed, check Full Control and click Apply.. make sure to do this for each user listed. Once done, click OK and exit on out.

You can now install any mod packs etc for the SFC game series (if an EXE file, make sure to Run as Administrator AND point to the proper install directory).. when done, you can re-enable your Anti-Virus software.. run a scan of the game install directory to ensure everything is A-OK.. then get your game on.

SFC 1, 2 EAW and 2 OP will not interact with Dynaverse correctly.. you can connect to and play on Dynaverse, however map updates lag due to incompatibilities of DirectX 7 being emulated in Windoes 7 (no native support).. as such map updates for Vista / Wndows 7 client user every 2 minutes after mission.. as such, completing a mission and exiting back to map screen, once on map screen, you are unable to move, repair, update for 2 min. If someone else completes a mission and the map updates server side, it takes 2 minutes of waiting for the Vista / Windows 7 Client user to chatch up while being suspended from movement, resupply, ship pourchase, repair, map defense ratings, etc.. This is for each and every update tha map does for each player. as such, if 6 hexes are finished in missions by player or AI, you will have between a 2 to 12 min wait before you can move, not counting missions that finish while you are waiting.

SFC 3, no issues, so long as you are set to Compatibility mode for XPSP 3 and running as administrator and give the folders proper permissions to current user.

I did all that you posted for the SFC 1 and OP. Both games installed and patched fine, but also both gave the same error, a black screen when the game is loaded with the cursor blinking.

Help me, you guys are my only hope. (Wrong franchise, i know)

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2011, 08:59:50 pm »
Black screen with cursor blinking...

The game cannot run in True Color (32-bit),  From what you describe its the same thing that happens to me when I forget to change the color settings.  Change the color settings to High Color (16-bit) and try again.
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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2011, 12:39:26 pm »
I followed the instructions as well.  Installation worked flawlessly and OP gets as far as the splash screen then crashes to desktop.

I'm going to uninstall OP then try EAW.  Will the OP+ shiplist work in EAW?  Looks like I'm going to find out!

UPDATE: These instructions do in fact work with EAW, no "compatibility mode" tomfoolery necessary!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 01:56:45 pm by Commander Maxillius »
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Offline BellaStrega

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2011, 05:43:33 am »
All SFC titles work on Vista / Windows 7 for Single Player Campaign / Skirmish modes, Gamespy Arcade, and TCP/IP.

First, turn off AV untill you are finished fully installing any and all applications, patches, utilites for the SFC game title. You need to install to the Program Files folder (32 bit) or the Program Files (x86) (64 bit).. you must launch the installer manually (not auto run) and install as administrator (right click setup.exe and run as administrator).. after installing the game, You need to find the install directory, right click the directory and select Properties, Uncheck the Read Only at the bottom of the General tab, click OK, say Yes for All files and Folders.. Next, you must patch to latest version by right clicking the patch and running as administrator, make sure the patch points to the proper install directory. Once installed, finde the Strfleet.exe, Starfleet2.exe, or StarfleetOP.exe and right click, go to properties, go to compatibility tab and set "Run as Administrator" check box. click OK.. right click the file again and select "Copy" and go to desktop and right click and select "Paste Shortcut". You will use this file to launch game (the other launcher files in Start Menu are bugged and can be deleted and removed from the Games folder).

For optimal performance you must set permissions to the current user, even if you are the administrator.

To do this, fine the Starfleet Command, Starfleet Command 2 (EAW depending on how you installed), or Starfleet Command Orion Pirates folder .. right click the folder, select Properties, select Security Tab. Click Edit button. Click Add Button. Type in your Windows Lon On name (the same name as your Pesonal folder .. the one where My Documents and My Download and My Videos is located). Click OK, then for each user listed, check Full Control and click Apply.. make sure to do this for each user listed. Once done, click OK and exit on out.

You can now install any mod packs etc for the SFC game series (if an EXE file, make sure to Run as Administrator AND point to the proper install directory).. when done, you can re-enable your Anti-Virus software.. run a scan of the game install directory to ensure everything is A-OK.. then get your game on.

SFC 1, 2 EAW and 2 OP will not interact with Dynaverse correctly.. you can connect to and play on Dynaverse, however map updates lag due to incompatibilities of DirectX 7 being emulated in Windoes 7 (no native support).. as such map updates for Vista / Wndows 7 client user every 2 minutes after mission.. as such, completing a mission and exiting back to map screen, once on map screen, you are unable to move, repair, update for 2 min. If someone else completes a mission and the map updates server side, it takes 2 minutes of waiting for the Vista / Windows 7 Client user to chatch up while being suspended from movement, resupply, ship pourchase, repair, map defense ratings, etc.. This is for each and every update tha map does for each player. as such, if 6 hexes are finished in missions by player or AI, you will have between a 2 to 12 min wait before you can move, not counting missions that finish while you are waiting.

SFC 3, no issues, so long as you are set to Compatibility mode for XPSP 3 and running as administrator and give the folders proper permissions to current user.

I followed these instructions with SFC2:EAW and SFC2:OP and setup.exe just hangs and does nothing in both cases. I have Starfleet Command from a previous computer (thus already installed) and it runs just fine. I just can't get these two games to install at all.

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2011, 12:38:04 pm »
I ran into a case where running Google Chrome will block old installers. Its a known issue in Googles bug tracker. It was solved by just closing Chrome while installing. As a safe measure, I would just close all programs before running setup.

Offline BellaStrega

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2011, 07:03:18 pm »
I ran into a case where running Google Chrome will block old installers. Its a known issue in Googles bug tracker. It was solved by just closing Chrome while installing. As a safe measure, I would just close all programs before running setup.

Oh, wow. I'll give that a shot. Thanks. :)

It worked, thank you. Weird glitch on OP for a moment, but it's fine now.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 07:16:13 pm by BellaStrega »

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2012, 09:57:37 am »
We are making very good progress in regards to updating the codebase for SFC: CE.

I'm in the process of collecting information now from our programmers to give you all more of an idea of where we stand.

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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2012, 05:19:07 pm »
 ;D--joooyyyyyyy-- ;D
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Offline JamesWMH

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2012, 01:57:55 pm »
Hi I've followed all of the steps on this thread to get SFC2: EAW to play but no luck so far.

SFC1 works fine, I just installed it and played it, not compatibility or run as admin needed at all.

I've got as far as SFC2 installed following the instructions, but when I go to play it I get the the loading screen, and the grey cursor for a few seconds but then it goes back to the desktop and says 'StarFleet Command has stopped working' and my only option is to close the program.

Any advice? I really love SFC2 so really want to play it.


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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2012, 02:12:11 am »
You have to right click run as admin.

Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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I just got a new Win7(64bit) laptop.  My last laptop... ahem... was on XP.

So it's been awhile.  To celebrate, I decided I'd dust off OP and install it.

I downloaded Pesty's Enhancement Pack 5.1, and followed his instructions in this thread EXCEPT that I did not patch up as a first step.  Anyhow, when it came time to install the SFC Mod Chooser, Windows gave me an error for missing "MSCOMCTL.OCX", which nerfed the scripted SFC Mod runnings and just basically screwed it up to high hell, with nothing runnable when I was done.

So I undid everything.  Read about the problem and came across this page:



"The only one thing that solved this to me is installing the following:
onto the Syswow64 carpet, not the System32."

So I did that, and REINSTALLED as per Pesty's instructions (this time patching as he directed), and viola!  Things run GREAT!

Oh, and as a final step, I DID install the "OP-Sprites-Lyran-Fusion-Fix" as I think it came about AFTER Pesty's enhancement package.

Note a scan of the install folder by MS Security detected a "backdoor trojan" from the DLL Installer: "Win32/Bifrose.OE" which I am taking to be a false positive.  But since the DLLs were already installed at that point, I simply quarantined the offensive file.  I don't think that'll mess anything up.

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One last thing: downloading that libraryfiles.exe link will put a shortcut onto your desktop linked to their webpage, titled "TEST YOUR COMPUTER SPEED" or something like that.  Just a minor easily deleted annoyance.

Also, when I installed the second time and was right clicking on the StarfleetOP.exe shortcut, to enable it to "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR",   as per Pesty's instructions, I noticed that it was ALREADY set to enable Comoatibility Mode, to Win98SE IIRC.  I left it like that.  And I'm pretty sure the Compatibility Mode box wasn't ticked on my first install attempt.  So a little weirdness that I wanted to report.

Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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One more one last thing:

So after reading, according to Pesty, the compatibility mode should be unnecessary for StarfleetOP.exe.  To put this to test, I right clicked on both the SHORTCUT (which was for some reason checkboxed to enable Win98/Me compatibility mode) and StarfleetOP.exe at the install folder to insure that COMPATIBILITY MODE WAS NOT BEING USED (but "Run As Administrator" WAS checkboxed for both, BTW).

Seems to run fine.

Now, I know with Win7, Dynaverse is nerfed with several minute map delays (though according to the forum, a fix is upcoming... for the past two years (cough, cough!) :) .  But I guess I still have to open some ports for good old TCP/IP .  Anyone know where the portlist that need to be opened is?  Man, it's been a long time.

I'm sure it's buried in a readme in the install folder somewheres...

Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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Okayyy, I think it's:

 forward ports 2300-2400 TCP&UDP and 47624 TCP  for gamespy arcade.  Is that all I need to do for ports in 2012 on Win7 for SFC-OP?  Can I get a confirm?


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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2015, 05:08:42 pm »
I figured out how to run SFC3 under Windows 8.1. It works with a native D3D8.dll file ( http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?d3d8 ). You have to place that in the game's main directory (not in components). Then run the game in windowed mode by opening sfc.ini and setting "windowed=1". No compatibility settings are necessary. Do note that placing D3D8.dll in the game's main directory can cause an error when the operating system is not Windows 8.1. Also, on 64bit systems you should not install the game in programfiles (programfiles(x86) is fine though).

Offline jayvt3

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2015, 09:23:33 am »
I got copies of SFC1, EAW, EAW Community Edition and OP.

SFC1 runs like a dream when using the XP Service Pack 2 or 3 option.  no problems with tweaking the sfbsp13 files but I'm still trying to find a way to play the game, well, all the games in 1920 x 1080 resolution.

EAW and OP are a whole different issue.  if I tweak the ASSETS and META-ASSETS sfbspc13 files to super charge the entire class of frigates and have more than one in play, the games crash.  in OP i have no voice overs even though the sound files are present.

