Topic: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....  (Read 45760 times)

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Offline Panzergranate

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Last week a friend popped over with his brand spanking new top of the range HP laptop and we decided to play SFC 1 over the home wireless network.

So we attempted to install SFC 1 and Windows 7 didn't want to play ball, despite shelling through Vista, Xtra Problems, 2000 and Migraine Edition. We even shelled back to 95 and Windows 7 refused to install SFC 1.

So we tried SFC 3, which installed, ran the game intro and then freaked out.

Next attempt at a network  game install was Total Anialation, a brilliant game, which also wouldn't run on Windows 7 either.

Now we've never owned a computer with Windows 7 or XP on. Vista, yes, and no hastle with it.... I have a friend who used to swear at XP but is overjoyed with Vista.

Anyone else know how to (A) make Windows 7 install SFC 1 and most other games that run perfectly fine on Vista, etc.

And (B), actually run the game properly without freaking out.

And finally a parody of the Windows 7 advert....

I was thinking, like, wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could actually run all the games I have on the new computer that I bought to run them on....

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Offline sfcv

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Yes, it would be quite well to make windows 7 like XP for example: compatible with anything.
But that's not possible, as probably for now
Think it this way: SFC3 was released in 2002, sfc1 in 1999, EAW in 2000 and OP in 2001.
By then windows 7 was still made of ideas, if it was started by then.
And XP was released in 2001.
Install XP on it, and any PC game will work.
and, like linux and vista, windows 7 doesn't really have too many programs compatible with this operating system. In fact, because it's quite new, it almost doesn't have anything compatible at all..
OR just use the compatibility mode, to make them cmpt to 2000 NT 98 or 95
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 02:53:37 am by sfcv »
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I have run Orion Pirates, SFCIII, and Total Annihilation all on Windows 7 64-bit. I have not tried SFC1, but I assume it would work on my system as well. You probably already tried these remedies, but I would suggest:

  • If you are running a 64 bit version of Windows 7, make sure you install in the "Program Files (86)" directory, not "Program Files." If you install 32-bit programs in normal "Program Files," you risk skewing up 64-bit *.dll's in the Common Files folder.

    If you have not already, right click on the *.exe for each game and choose "properties" from the fly-out menu. In the properties dialog box, choose the "compatibility" tab. Under "Compatibility mode" click the check box next to "Run this Program in compatibility mode for:" Choose a version of Windows that you know the games will work.

I was initially very skeptical, but I have had no compatibility issues with Windows 7 except for cracks and user-made content for other programs.

Offline Centurus

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Getting the games to run in single player mode shouldn't be a problem.  Not sure what kind of problems you'll get when trying to play through TCP skirmish, but getting on the Dyna, forget it.  Win7 suffers from the same problem as Vista in that department.
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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All SFC titles work on Vista / Windows 7 for Single Player Campaign / Skirmish modes, Gamespy Arcade, and TCP/IP.

First, turn off AV untill you are finished fully installing any and all applications, patches, utilites for the SFC game title. You need to install to the Program Files folder (32 bit) or the Program Files (x86) (64 bit).. you must launch the installer manually (not auto run) and install as administrator (right click setup.exe and run as administrator).. after installing the game, You need to find the install directory, right click the directory and select Properties, Uncheck the Read Only at the bottom of the General tab, click OK, say Yes for All files and Folders.. Next, you must patch to latest version by right clicking the patch and running as administrator, make sure the patch points to the proper install directory. Once installed, finde the Strfleet.exe, Starfleet2.exe, or StarfleetOP.exe and right click, go to properties, go to compatibility tab and set "Run as Administrator" check box. click OK.. right click the file again and select "Copy" and go to desktop and right click and select "Paste Shortcut". You will use this file to launch game (the other launcher files in Start Menu are bugged and can be deleted and removed from the Games folder).

For optimal performance you must set permissions to the current user, even if you are the administrator.

To do this, fine the Starfleet Command, Starfleet Command 2 (EAW depending on how you installed), or Starfleet Command Orion Pirates folder .. right click the folder, select Properties, select Security Tab. Click Edit button. Click Add Button. Type in your Windows Lon On name (the same name as your Pesonal folder .. the one where My Documents and My Download and My Videos is located). Click OK, then for each user listed, check Full Control and click Apply.. make sure to do this for each user listed. Once done, click OK and exit on out.

You can now install any mod packs etc for the SFC game series (if an EXE file, make sure to Run as Administrator AND point to the proper install directory).. when done, you can re-enable your Anti-Virus software.. run a scan of the game install directory to ensure everything is A-OK.. then get your game on.

SFC 1, 2 EAW and 2 OP will not interact with Dynaverse correctly.. you can connect to and play on Dynaverse, however map updates lag due to incompatibilities of DirectX 7 being emulated in Windoes 7 (no native support).. as such map updates for Vista / Wndows 7 client user every 2 minutes after mission.. as such, completing a mission and exiting back to map screen, once on map screen, you are unable to move, repair, update for 2 min. If someone else completes a mission and the map updates server side, it takes 2 minutes of waiting for the Vista / Windows 7 Client user to chatch up while being suspended from movement, resupply, ship pourchase, repair, map defense ratings, etc.. This is for each and every update tha map does for each player. as such, if 6 hexes are finished in missions by player or AI, you will have between a 2 to 12 min wait before you can move, not counting missions that finish while you are waiting.

SFC 3, no issues, so long as you are set to Compatibility mode for XPSP 3 and running as administrator and give the folders proper permissions to current user.
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Offline Panzergranate

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The friend hasn't been round since he installed "World Of Warcraft"..... he is now somebody with no life....  ::)

We've never had problems with VISTA here with regards to running games. A friend has recently bought a new PC with VISTA on and is overjoyed that it doesn't have all the problems he suffered with XP. Old games he couldn't run on XP run happily on VISTA.

One solution would be to have drive C: as a caddy hard drive and switch operating systems as required. Better still, have internal switching of hard drives accodring to the user's preference.

As I build up my own PCs out of whatever bits that are available, I generally stick with Windows ME as it is faster at firing up the internet then the other later versions of Windows on the newer shop bought PCs in the house.

It is very annying that installing SFC and Total onto the two VISTA machines in the house was straight forward, where as Windows 7 is a rigmarole. So much for "improvement" then.

We'll try out the suggestions though previous experience of software instals  failing has led me to just going for a archive and dump straight onto the hard drive method. Archivers circumvent all security barriers when it comes to adding or cloning stuff from a hard drive or network.

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Offline Gulli

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SFC3 runs fine on my Windows 7 PC, maybe the 534b patch fixes compatibility issues.

Offline Stingray2000

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I am not sure what Panzergranate is referring to with regard to a comparison of Win7 boot times vs WindowsME.  Win7 snaps into place on my comp -- also a custom build.

However, if you have old equipment (single core & not hyperthreaded), then an older OS ( even pre-XP) may make sense (although I do not understand why anyone would choose Windows ME over Windows2000Pro).  When using new equipment, Win7 is vastly superior to Vista.  Many people consider XP to have remained superior to Vista (myself included), but it is my opinion that Win7 is superior to Win XP, also. 

I run Win7 64 bit on a Core2 Intel Processor running at 3+ Ghz:  4gb of DDR2 1066; with an Nvidia 9800GT Video Card.  Win7Boots to the login screen in about 15-20 seconds;  It takes @10 seconds for the desktop to fully load after entering password. 

Offline Dash Jones

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Win 7 ran the game singleplayer while still in Beta.  I haven't had any problems overall with it in the Final release of Win7 either thus far.  However you do need to ensure that the settings are right, you install it correctly (as per directions in this thread).  I ran the 32bit in beta, currently have 64 bit on my gaming machine (Win7 that is).

I DID not play on Dynaverse with Win 7 though, my games recently have ALL been single player or SP with a mod...good luck with the online piece, but Pestalence is the man when it comes to all things online.  Maybe some day Dyna will work with Win 7.  I wasn't aware of the 2 min lag though in Dyna, which means I suppose if I'm patient it should work?
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2010, 09:54:24 am »
To illucidate, we run quite a lot of PCs at home here....

1 x LEX P.III. (recently deceased), 1 x Gateway 500LS P3 , 1 x Gateway GP-7 SE P3 and 1 x ACER P4 Quad Core for network SFC gaming with friens.

All of the above, apart from the ACER, which runs Vista, run Windows Migraine Edition.

There is also a Packard-Bell P4 Quad Core laptop that can be roped in for network gaming to make up the numbers when needed.

Then there is the old Compaq 386SX that runs the Sinclair Spectrum emulator that manages whatever SFC campaign that we are engaged in.

The old Compaq runs the SPARTA Windows 3.11 NT overide, which emulates MAC OS and improves both speed and reliability.

On the fateful day, our friend Simon had brought over his brand new laptop to make up the numbers as the LEX was going through its death throws with its onboard graphics processor.

Needless to say, we didn't manage to have a network SFC game that day.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2010, 11:03:27 pm »
Welcome to the microsoft dead horse issue :D :'( . If its not "made to work with the NEW"windows" it most likely wont work, Unless the local user hackers can make it work. Those that due i bet are criminals and broke some damn law if they do make it work.  :-X
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2010, 12:30:28 pm »
The only solution, apart from replacing Windows with a reliable and old game friendly operating system such as Unix, Linux oor Neutreno, is to just keep older computers with Vista, ME or 98 around and use them for network gaming, which is pretty much what happens here.

One can kind of see why NASA doesn't use Winodws or any other Microsoft product.

And after the Microsoft  Human Female brain compatability issues with Heaven's own in house Human Man brain operating system, even God won't subcontract with Microsoft anymore.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2010, 09:12:40 pm »
The issue is playing online campaigns with SFC OP / EAW.

This will be fixed.

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2010, 12:18:20 pm »
I can remember, back in the days of the Compaq 286 and 386 Portables (The ones that open out like something a Star Trek TOS landing party would use), that a common injury to users was plasma screen burns to the forehead whilst banging their heads against the screen during frustrating Windows 2.03, 2.03 386, 3.0, 3.1 or 3.11 moments....

I still have an old Comapq Plasma Portable here and the screen sure does grow hot quickly.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline dccarles

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2011, 05:29:14 am »
No joy trying to install Orion Pirates with Windows 7 on an Asus K52J.

No matter what compatibility options I use, Setup always hangs.  I see the process in Task manager, but nothing happens.  No window comes up, and there's no sign anywhere but in the Task Manager that anything's happening.

I'm completely at a loss.


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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2011, 08:29:34 am »
No joy trying to install Orion Pirates with Windows 7 on an Asus K52J.

No matter what compatibility options I use, Setup always hangs.  I see the process in Task manager, but nothing happens.  No window comes up, and there's no sign anywhere but in the Task Manager that anything's happening.

I'm completely at a loss.
There's probably a few solutions to this, the fastest though is if you have a decent flash drive, go insitall it on a older computer that works, copy the install in program files and put it on the flash drive, and then just move it over and copy it into the Win7 computer in its proper place.
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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2011, 09:51:15 am »
No joy trying to install Orion Pirates with Windows 7 on an Asus K52J.

No matter what compatibility options I use, Setup always hangs.  I see the process in Task manager, but nothing happens.  No window comes up, and there's no sign anywhere but in the Task Manager that anything's happening.

I'm completely at a loss.

My recommendation is to disable AV, create a folder C:\SFC, run Setup.exe from the CD as Admin (browse to it, don't go from autorun) no compatibility mode necessary, just run setup.exe as admin and install to a subdirectory of the SFC folder you created above. Patch. Then re-enable AV. Make a shortcut to StarfleetOP.exe and run it (to skip movie so CD key entry works).

Offline dccarles

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2011, 04:17:27 pm »
Installing on a flash drive (the other machine in the hosue didn't have space on the HD) indeed worked.  (I didn't try the other suggestion, because the problem was Setup.exe just plain not working at all.)  Trying to add the OP enhancement package on the USB drive, though, took >7 hours (!!) and some of the mods didn't install correctly, so I am back unmodded. 

Thank you all very much!

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if Windows 7 could run SFC 1, SFC 2 and SFC 3....
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2011, 10:57:08 am »
THANK YOU!! I have been pulling my hair out trying to get SFC2/OP to work on my Win 7 machine. I almost thought my entire sfc series were nothing more than coasters. I am glad i found this topic. :)

Offline Libernati156

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I have no problems running SFC 2 or OP in Windows 7. I use the compatability tool and tell it to run under windows XP service Pack 3.
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