Topic: SFC2OP MUSIC FILENAMES  (Read 2407 times)

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Offline bioscope

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« on: April 21, 2010, 12:44:09 am »
Hello there.

I have ripped my own ost from the file, using winamp's crossfade option to play the chunks without gaps and recorded the playback using CO using cooledit pro. I left out the transitional tracks and concentrated on the races, environments and themes. Can somebody help me identify the abbreviated filenames, and come up with an industry style tracklist, based on your experience of the game. I see that this is the same music as in EMPIRES AT WAR, except for the bonus mission music.

EG: What is xxxs.wav
                 xxxa.wav for the races

     The environments are also a mysrey to me

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 01:47:19 am »
EG: What is xxxs.wav
                 xxxa.wav for the races

The xxxT.wav files are used for the races' main themes (when you're playing as that race, that's what you'll hear in the beginning of the mission).
The xxxA.wav files are "attack" themes -- for example, you will hear the Romulan attack theme when you are flying against the Romulans.
The xxxS.wav files are like the "attack" themes, but for starbase/battlestation assault missions -- so if the enemy team in a mission includes a Romulan base, you'll hear the RMSx series of tracks . . . I don't think the xxxS.wav files are used in any other way, so they aren't too common to hear (IMO, they are the best music in the game though).

Hope this helps! I'm not too sure on the environments, but I think they have to do with nebula and black hole terrain (though I remember hearing one of the special environment themes in the special patrol script where you are supposed to beam parts from a group of cargo boxes).

Offline L0vetobowl

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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 09:51:32 pm »
To add to this topic i was trying to figure out some of the SFCMusic.txt and boy is in confusing. As for the terrain music I came up with this:

ASB - played in the vicinity of asteroid and maybe planets
DPS - when your out in open space
HYP - for when you're playing chicken with a black hole
NEB - Khaaaaaan!
SPA - It came up in a patrol mission when suddenly a strange anomaly appears and randomly causes your engines to go off line. Major bummer when trying to keep distance from a G-DN in a F-FF
SRS- Haven't been able to figure this one out yet. I was thinking ion storm but haven't got it to play yet.

There are a few that seem to be the default background music that ends up playing as every race: BMW, BMT, and BML. There is also the TRN which are transition music to loop around to other clips to keep a continuous theme going. I hopes this helps.
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Offline bioscope

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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 10:58:08 pm »
Thanks, but I thought perhaps that the three BM? refer to the bonus missions, as in T-Theme, L-lose and W-Win. HYP is perhaps for Hyperspace (Black Hole, Wormhole) NEB is Nebula, ASB is for Asteroid Base?, SRS is maybe Shipping Routes, SPA can be for space, when going outside the mission parameters, DSP is Deep Space or dust cloud?, SMA is that for Small Asteroids? Anybody help....

Offline TAnimaL

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« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 02:02:59 pm »
The BML/BMT/BMW music seems to be generic "battle" music that plays during any race. I replaced those 3 but so far I've only heard BMT and BMW during the four battles I played.

The "DPS" might as well mean "deep space," for I've heard it during long battles on a terrain-free map; I replaced that as well, but oddly only heard the first 10 seconds of a 67 second long track.

I wanna figure out when the SPA, SMA, ABS tracks play next

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 05:11:45 pm »
I wanna figure out when the SPA, SMA, ABS tracks play next

I can remember SPA playing when it's one of those weird missions with terrain (like Investigation, scanning a planet) and what L0vetobowl wrote sounds right too. I really like the SMA tracks, and I always hear them when playing against a monster (maybe SMA means Sound Monster Attack or Special Monster Attack?).