Topic: [Ticket] HELP FOR AN OLDSTER  (Read 5344 times)

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Offline Q

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« on: April 26, 2011, 07:15:25 am »
some of you might know me I was "Q" on SFC III a long  time ago need some help getting back to SFC III all downloads it looks like from getting on server to ships. any an all help would be very much rewareded... as in blowing the snot out of me till i remember how to play !             thank You An QaPla

Offline Bonk

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« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 07:23:39 am »
Q, I moved your ticket to a topic here in the Dynaverse 3 Experiences forum. Your question is not exactly clear but it appears you are looking for a Dynaverse 3 server to play on and wondering which files you need to download to login? You should get more responses here.

I don't play SFC3 myself, but I do know that at a miminum you will need to patch (534b?) and update the directory server entries in your client so you can see the serverlist (we host it now). I'm not sure which files you'll nneed to play on a specific server, but once you get to the serverlist you should get more information. Server admins usually post their website for downloads in the server descriptions.

Links (ftp):
Patch 534b
Directory server update

That should get you started.