You can also find the SFC1 music at Battleclinic in 2 zips: have been replacing the music in SFC:OP with some success, it's just tedious. I'll try to explain what I do briefly:
-I backed up the someplace safe
- I copied the sfcmusic zip to another folder and unzipped.
-There are certain .wav tracks that play sequentially for each race; for example, the FDA_x# series.
- I took the music I wanted to put in it's place, in this case from ST:TOS "Naked Time", cut it into 22 chunks, each about 4 seconds long, and renamed the bits the same as the FDA tracks (FDA_A1, FDA_A2, etc)
-had to make sure the .wav's are 705kb bitrate, stereo 22k files
-then I replace the originals in the unzipped folder with new tracks
-I zip the files, using "no compression" compression, and put this new "" back into assets/sounds folder
I've only had partial luck because of the way the music is in so many little chunks. Still, hearing the music I put in come up is especially fun. For what it's worth, the "mnu_a1, mnu_a2, and mnu_a3" files are the start menu, and "miss_succ" and "miss_fail" are the success and failure screen music. Those were the first I replaced and fairly easy to do