(Images are pretty big, so view them in their own tab to see the full render; also understand that I'm losing a lot of the detail in these renders due to JPEG compression).
Okay, I just came up with a new technique for making textures. There are advantages and disadvantages to each method, and I will list them here.
Method A (Traditional) - Possibly many textures (the K'Tinga uses 27 MB worth of textures)
- Overlapping UVs can prevent things like GI-baking
- Easier for retexturers to play with
- Parts that use the same mapping can be interchanged
Method B (Re-Unrapping and Baking textures) - Single Texture (well, 2: one diffuse, one illum; the new K'Tinga uses 15MB woth of textures)
- Slight loss of detail depending on size of the single texture
- No UV Overlap means I can add cool effects like Baking GI or Glow spillage (like how the glow from bussards should illuminate the bottom of a saucer).
- Realistic Lighting much easier
- Loss of interchangability of textures from part to part (the autounwrap would prevent such things)
- Baked GI mapping would make parts bashed from these guys stand out.