No it's not happening, just a pipe dream of mine really. I just finished watching the original episodes on
I was thinking. So much of the Galactica universe was unexplored, and the new one certainly didn't do the original justice. I could see making a new series that, while not a direct re-imagining, could be a prequel and an expansion of the original universe. First off, I for one would have loved to have seen more of the Colonial Culture, before the destruction. So I would start the series off just a little before Caprica. Show the Colonies, in a wartime footing, but alive and vibrant. The Brave Colonial Warriors fighting off the Cylons. Until the peace, the entire first season would be "normal" Colonial life. And would end with the battle that destroys all but the Galactica.
The second season would be the flight from the Cylons, the discovery of Kobol, and the events leading up to the discovery of the Pegasus.
The Third season would begin with the Pegasus running off, with Cain, and the events leading up (although I'm not so sure about the War of the Gods

) to and a greatly expanded interaction with the Eastern Alliance. Including the much anticipated, but very disappointingly denied, battle between an Alliance fleet and the Galactica. The end of Season three could be either the Intervention in Terra's Nuclear war, or could end with the events in the Hand of God.
Should it move on from there, there's more for Galactica to do, including the return of the Pegasus, prior to the discovery of Earth.
Now, questions: What form should Earth take?
Should it be Today's Earth? Should it be some advanced form of Earth? or should it be the way is was in the impostor series, with them finding a destroyed world?
What would you like to see expanded on, or taken from the series all together?
I realized just how much I missed the old series when I heard the first Cylon say... "By your command." In that metallic voice of theirs.