Hmm, been out of the computer gaming scene too long, some of the stuff lost me, I went to customize the Dell Alienware, and it puzzled me right off the bat. It looks like to get the quad core I have to get it overclocked right from the start?
Next they ask me if I want Win 7 Home? I'm paying how much for this and they want to know if I want Home edition? Pshaw...I chose ultimate.
It looks like the Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 SLI is the way to go, or the only option, what exactly is SLI now?
At least I think I still understood the RAM options,
The Monitor didn't seem that bad in cost, but it also didn't tell me all I wanted to know, is it also inclusive of a HDTV hookup, and I don 't think it's Plasma, how good are the Dell LCD's?
The 27 Inch under the advanced options looked better, and it is an LCD...WTH is the Nvidia 3d thing...with 3d glasses? Is that serious? The 3d in theaters when I have to wear glasses already give me a headache.
Why would I want something other than Soundblaster with what I'm paying there?
What's the difference between a Killer Xeno pad and other pads? What is so special about the Alien TactX mouse as compared to your average wireless laser mouse? Of course I'm getting a wireless card in it.
Hmmmmm, the Blu-ray vs. the normal CD/DVD burner is a MUCH harder choice. I plan on getting another PS3 and hooking it up to the monitor if it has TV outputs and can double so I already will have the player there as well...but not certain about the Blu-Ray burner, not certain how much viability Blu-Rays will actually have, I'm leaning more towards something like flash drives being the next big thing that take over from DVD's if anything...but Blu-Ray DOES have a lot more easy is it to cross with your burned Blu-Rays...I remember the early DVD burners where if you burn it on one it may not be compatible with another? Is Blu Ray currently at that stage or past it?
What is this Dell Online Backup thing?
I really like what I saw at Dell there, but I have a few questions (as shown above) and a few concerns, and one dislike. I didn't like that the alienware ONLY OFFERED me one choice of That seems a little annoying. they ship overseas?
How safe is that and how much will that cost for safe shipping?
The end cost wasn't that bad, ending up at around $6000 USD.
The Phobos gave me a lot of graphics card choices...I must admit I was rather lost.
It seemed like Dell offers faster processors then Phobos? I'm also surprised the processors aren't faster, I thought they had 3GHz processors a few years ago as well, my old one is around a 2.2 I think, I thought they'd have improved them a LOT more since then.
Nvidia didn't give ANY options of powersupply, hopefully they have one that gives enough power, it looked that the biggest one Phobos gave was 1200, but it looks like some here are suggesting having a bigger power supply than that.
The only form of cooling is liquid cooling on the Phobos...I kind of like non-liquid, but I can live with the liquid cooling.
Phobos also seems to give the illusion of selecting your motherboard...but only gave me a choice of one MB...but it looks to be nice...a MSI eclipse SLI
Do I really need another card for dedicated Physix processing?
Creative X-Fi Titanium with the PCI express is what I chose for the soundcard.
What is the advantage of having a dual gigabyte wireless? Why not just one it looks as if the more expensive options on the Phobos have anyways?
Definately WANT a TV tuner, one of the big things I was after.
Another hard choice...go with the SIZE of the normal hard drives at 2TB, or go with a Solid State which I hear is much better overall with durability...that's a hard choice.
I went with a 2 TB and a DVD/CD burner
Obviously Win 7 Ultimate again, what is it with these people offering top of the line computers and thinking I want something like Win 7 Home edition?
Nero burning program...Dell didn't offer me that from what I recall.
I don't need office 2007 right now, and probably looking to see what they release next year for office instead.
Games...I'm getting those myself...nice that they have the option for including Apple I-tunes on it for my I-phone.
Looks like I got the 24 Inch monitor there...
Ah, and speakers...didn't recall those included in the Dell specifically too, but important...
Final cost on that is a little over $7000 USD...which is in a way getting a little too expensive probably for the entire package...doable...but I had to skimp on a few of the things that they offered.
I actually think the Dell wins out just a wee bit with the processor appearing to be faster, better options on what they appear to offer for their monitors, have to look at getting good speakers though.
I have some concerns about Dell though, I've heard BAD things about their desktops. I've heard that they are really bad for upgrading when the time comes, and that they don't really have any durability.
How much of that is truth and how much of that is hearsay?