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Offline CyberTrekFan

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« on: November 19, 2004, 11:06:43 am »
Thread posted on other forums about a new Website comming up:

I have been working on a new and innovative website that will take the gamers of Star Trek into the future with the new TrekOnline MMORPG planned for release in 2006-2007.

This website was not going to be announced until the beginning of 2005 and we had not planned to open it until January at best. But since the STGD is closing I know that there are modders, modelers out there that are in need of web hosting, space, and download links.

So with this in mind I will bring up the site early, within a week or so. I will take the password of the site this evening and open it for public use.

We are offering free web hosting for any Community Trek related site that needs it. We are also offering teamspeak servers for the community and for rental. We also offer web hosting for Fleets, Clans, Guilds, and Crews.

We have most of the files, mods, patches, and links to the modelers. If you wish to add your site or banner it will be very easy we have a script where you just fill in the information and hit submit.

We definitely were not ready for this and definitely hate to see the STGD go, it has been a very useful tool for the gamers who want the files and a place to chat.

For more information please check out the website this evening it will have everything you need there.

We have a dedicated server with more hard drive space than the library of congress, and thousands of Gigs of bandwidth on a 3Gig Backbone with a 100Mbit port.

The site is protected under certain copyright laws. Some content on the site is trademarked. Trek-Online is owned and produced by with site designers and editors Rhein Buskirk aka Wildcard, Sean Talbot aka NCC74656, Zach Nicodemous aka Zack21UK, and Spencer Shill aka Spencer4hire. is not affiliated in any way with any game producer, developer or Star Trek license holder mentioned in or on this site. Although some people who have worked on the site and are employed by the site are members of Clans, Fleets, Crews, and Guilds the site is not affiliated with any single Gaming Organization.

Star Trek and all related imagery are trademarked and owned by Paramount Pictures Incorporated, and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.

Real Trek Gamers co-operatively built and designed the site to share with the Trek community of the future.

This looks very interesting ...


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« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2004, 12:58:56 pm »
 And what are we here ? chopped chicken liver? >:( >:( >:(

Offline Age

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« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2004, 01:10:50 pm »
    This nice Wildcard or who ever GQ member you are you want stop will you .For those of you who don't know who GQ are

    They are the clan of Guardians of Qu'nos just to let you know.I saw the domian name once I click on that link.You bringing your
    business are you?What do you intend to do close this site down to??


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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2004, 01:21:50 pm »
    This nice Wildcard or who ever GQ member you are you want stop will you .For those of you who don't know who GQ are

    They are the clan of Guardians of Qu'nos just to let you know.I saw the domian name once I click on that link.You bringing your
    business are you?What do you intend to do close this site down to??

 Age could you clarify this. I can't make heads or tails out of what you are trying to say?????????

  :help: :help: :help: :help:

Offline Age

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« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2004, 01:41:10 pm »
    I said WildCard is a member of the GQ clan a clan the was banned from STGD for what they said about Katherine and did to STGD.They started a huge flame war with thier NDF mod Near Distant Future anyway it is a long story.To much to go into it past just watch them around here.

Offline =SyN=Remick

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« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2004, 06:20:31 pm »
This was bound to happen, with the STGD closing it's doors on all the trek games they have covered your going to see a rash of new site appear to try and take there place.

Would'nt surprise me if you seen some of the old STGD content in there site.

Offline CyberTrekFan

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« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2004, 07:03:48 am »
Well if you see old STGD content on their site it would suprise me as well, I am so glad Age the space police is here to warn us about GQ, Too bad you are mistaken ... oh well there allways has to be one in the crowd that wont let the past lay still. Anyway the site is open and it really looks awesome. They havereally done something there.

As for me being in GQ or even being Wildcard, sorry I am not either, I dont believe in clans they are to political. But I do play with them in the neardistand future mod and in BF 1942/desert combat.

Get a grip people this flaming obsession you all seem to have is what is wrong with the community not Wildcard, but if you have to blame someone might as well be him eh?

Offline Rod ONeal

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« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2004, 10:54:20 am »
Well if you see old STGD content on their site it would suprise me as well, I am so glad Age the space police is here to warn us about GQ, Too bad you are mistaken ... oh well there allways has to be one in the crowd that wont let the past lay still. Anyway the site is open and it really looks awesome. They havereally done something there.

As for me being in GQ or even being Wildcard, sorry I am not either, I dont believe in clans they are to political. But I do play with them in the neardistand future mod and in BF 1942/desert combat.

Get a grip people this flaming obsession you all seem to have is what is wrong with the community not Wildcard, but if you have to blame someone might as well be him eh?

This doesn't seem like a fair statement. You only have a few posts, unless you've been involved here by some other name. Why don't you give all of us more of a chance. We get along quite well here. There's very, very little in fighting.

I'm a bit curious to see what content this site's going to cover, considering that the game release is years away. I assume that they are going to cover current/past games for a while?

I guess I'll have to look and see, huh?  ;)
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Offline Sirgod

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« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2004, 10:57:04 am »
You may want to post this information here also...,3242.0.html

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline KBF-Crim

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« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2004, 11:45:17 am »
    I said WildCard is a member of the GQ clan a clan the was banned from STGD for what they said about Katherine and did to STGD.They started a huge flame war with thier NDF mod Near Distant Future anyway it is a long story.To much to go into it past just watch them around here.

Age....the past is past...

Tons of people were banned from there...some of them highly respected...some completely unknown...

And as a direct observer I can tell you have the sequence of events out of order slightly...

I feel the need to clarify something...

Some time ago Wildcard was a good son over there a moderator even....he parotted others feeble accusations against this very site...spammed other sites attacking us in chorus with others...and had the personal honor of forum combat with me several times

Well..I've talked to him since then....he has freely admitted that he was contrite and remorseful...and understands that his attacks where based on information given to him, based half truths and outright falsehoods....he did what any brainwashed solder would do...he blindly attacked fully believing the words of those around him to be the truth...

Only through his personal war with that site and those on it did he become aware of their siren ways...

He has stated that knowing what he knows now...he would have never engaged in any of the attacks against ,as doing so was completly out of line with the facts as he now understands them...

His ban stands for actions on these forums...not for his actions elsewhere...

And this site wont ban an enitire fleet for the actions of an one individual other GQ members who have never run afoul of the rules are still free to post here...

Let me make this clear...

Ad hominom attacks on individuals who are not present ,basing such attacks on half truths , or attacking members behaviour on other forums will not be tolerated here....

This is a rare chance for the SFC3 players to start reform the community free from the constant drumbeat of mend fences and be good neighbors....

A new day has's time to shed yesterday's worries and struggles....

Offline IKSKevin

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« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2004, 12:31:08 pm »
I hate Wildcard...I have played against him on SFC3 since Dom Wars....Islandwars...Unity...GAW...I could go on.  The guy is a boil on anything he chooses to be a part of.  BUT, I will give his site a chance.  I also belive that people can change if they see the error of their ways...I think that with the influence of other GQ members, WHO ARE OUTSTANDING individuals, that this site will prosper.  But as far as SFC3 goes....its six feet under ground...and on its headstone reads...."We had a good move on"   


Offline CyberTrekFan

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« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2004, 01:48:38 pm »
Well if you see old STGD content on their site it would suprise me as well, I am so glad Age the space police is here to warn us about GQ, Too bad you are mistaken ... oh well there allways has to be one in the crowd that wont let the past lay still. Anyway the site is open and it really looks awesome. They havereally done something there.

As for me being in GQ or even being Wildcard, sorry I am not either, I dont believe in clans they are to political. But I do play with them in the neardistand future mod and in BF 1942/desert combat.

Get a grip people this flaming obsession you all seem to have is what is wrong with the community not Wildcard, but if you have to blame someone might as well be him eh?

This doesn't seem like a fair statement. You only have a few posts, unless you've been involved here by some other name. Why don't you give all of us more of a chance. We get along quite well here. There's very, very little in fighting.

I'm a bit curious to see what content this site's going to cover, considering that the game release is years away. I assume that they are going to cover current/past games for a while?

I guess I'll have to look and see, huh?  ;)

Well Rod ONeil like I said I like to stay away from the politics, I am a file gatherer not a forum person. I usually have nothing to say just watch.

Offline zach21uk

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« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2004, 01:54:06 pm »
I hate Wildcard...I have played against him on SFC3 since Dom Wars....Islandwars...Unity...GAW...I could go on.  The guy is a boil on anything he chooses to be a part of.  BUT, I will give his site a chance.  I also belive that people can change if they see the error of their ways...I think that with the influence of other GQ members, WHO ARE OUTSTANDING individuals, that this site will prosper.  But as far as SFC3 goes....its six feet under ground...and on its headstone reads...."We had a good move on"   



i cant beleive my ears, i am honoured to be called outstanding  ;D ;D

as for trek-online, i think it looks totally cool, and it definetly has a future

zach21uk (aka gq-zach)

Offline bricbat

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« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2004, 03:47:56 pm »
hey Age, nobody is going to force you to go to trek ... online  we all have the free will to chose what sites we visit. ... go to the site if you want or not ... this is a message for all if you like what you see stay and enjoy  if not that is ok , too i'm sure there is something for everyone  at someplace in the community  there have been far to many  attempts to control and lord over the community as of late many harsh words have been said and half truths told. If we truly want the community to survive we have be welcoming and open to all  and let them follow their own path in the community without trying to control them or belittle them if they dont agree with the views of others. :) :) :)

Offline Age

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« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2004, 04:00:50 pm »
   Well  like I said Crim it is in the past.I sick of it all  I was over at STGD to  meet and help others .It was a fun place I will miss the ccokoo clock .I may give that site a chance in the future .They D3 community over at STGD are great bunch of people like the D2 community here.They are all   8).

Offline bricbat

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« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2004, 12:41:38 am »
my favorite Canadian carrier was the  HMCS Bonaventure a buddy of mine's father server on the last crew before she was decomissioned and sold for scrap .

Offline Age

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« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2004, 03:47:39 am »
   I picked Warrior because in Star Trek it is a F-GSC the Bonaventure and  it lacks phasers .In the game it only 4 times ones phaser 1 on it on it .That my reason for picking it and my brother servered on the Bonaventure before it was sold off to.Interesting.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 01:52:26 am by Age »

Offline GQMarkDawg

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« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2010, 12:55:43 am »
Age Wild Left GQ and has had no affiliation with us for about 8 years so let it go man.

Offline Age

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« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2010, 01:49:30 am »
Age Wild Left GQ and has had no affiliation with us for about 8 years so let it go man.
I know that so why did you necro this thread and we were hosting his board for him over at STG.

Offline Sirgod

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« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2010, 05:48:13 pm »


"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War